March 7

Standart frontend development.Β 



HTML (ba'rshe kerekli tegler)
CSS (Ba'rshe kerekli propertiyler, transforms, displays, flex, grid, BEM, animations, figma makets, advanced css projects, etc...)
SASS (ba'rshe kerekli methodlar, functionlar. @import, @extend, @mixin, functions: String, Numeric, List, Map, Selector, Introspection, Color, advanced projects with sass)
Tailwindcss (Ba'rshe kerekli classname lar, best practices, advanced projects)
Github (real proekt, komanda menen islewde kerekli komandalar)

1-sabaq | HTML basics

β€” Uliwma web sayttin' duzilisi menen tanisiw.

β€” HTML haqqinda, kod jaziw redaktorlarin install qiliw.

β€” Birinshi web saytimizdi jaratamiz.

β€” HTML da text tagleri. Tag tu'sinigi. Comments

β€” Attribute, value, element definition.

β€” Oqiwshilarg'a task.

β€” Taskti islep ko'rsetiw.

2-sabaq | HTML. (form, list, audio, video, iframe, etc...)

β€” Checking home work.

β€” 1-sabaqtin' tiykarlarin qaytalaw

β€” HTML Form menen islesiw. (input all types, textarea, select, form action, etc...)

β€” Form practice

β€” Oqiwshilarg'a task

β€” Taskti qayta islep korsetiw

β€” Unordered list.

β€” Ordered list.

β€” Nested lists.

β€” audio, video

β€” audio video adv attributes

β€” iframe video, website

β€” Kartalar menen islesiw

β€” Practice

3-sabaq | Form repeat, Table

β€” Checking homework

β€” O'tken sabaqti takirarlaw

β€” Table basics

β€” Table tiykarlari menen practice

β€” Quramali table lar menen islew

β€” Kerekli attribute lardi ko'rip shig'iw

β€” Quramali table task.

β€” O'tken ba'rshe sabaqlardan bir practice

β€” Oqiwshilarg'a tapsirma

β€” Tapsirmani ko'rip shig'ip qayta islep ko'rsetiw

4-sabaq | HTML code sheatsheet, CSS ke kirisiw

β€” Checking homework

β€” O'tilgen ha'm qalip qoyg'an kerekli teglerdi ko'rip shig'iw

β€” CSS connect, sintaksis, select, comments. (inline, internal, external)

β€” property, value definition

β€” background, color, border, margin, padding, width, height

β€” colors, :hover

β€” Practice

β€” oqiwshilarg'a tapsirma

β€” tapsirmani ko'rip shig'ip, tuwri joli menen islep ko'rsetiw

5-sabaq | CSS basics

β€” Checking homework

β€” Outline

β€” Border radius, border-image, background

β€” List

β€” font

β€” icon

β€” Tables

β€” Form styles

β€” Praktika

6-sabaq | CSS basics

β€” Checking homework

β€” Display values

β€” max, min properties

β€” positions

β€” Praktika

β€” Oqiwshilarg'a task beriw

β€” Taskti tekseriw, duris jolin ko'rsetiw

7-sabaq | CSS basics

β€” Checking homework

β€” Units

β€” Praktika

β€” Formalar menen

β€” Table lar menen

β€” Text effects, shadow, gradients, opacity

β€” Pseudo elements

β€” Pseudo classes

β€” transitions

β€” Praktika

β€” Oqiwshilarg'a task

β€” Taskti tekseriw, duris jolin ko'rsetiw

8-sabaq | Responsivity, display flex

β€” Checking homework

β€” Display values

β€” Flex definition

β€” Flex properties, (container, item)

β€” Container properties

β€” Item properties

β€” @media queries

β€” Basic layout

β€” Advanced layout

β€” Praktika

β€” Oqiwshilarg'a task

β€” Taskti ko'rip shig'iw

9-sabaq | Figma, figma maketleri menen islesiw

β€” Checking homework

β€” Google akkountlardi, default browserlerdi tuwirlaw

β€” Figmadan akkount jaratiw

β€” Figma menen tanisiw

β€” dev mode/designer mode

β€” Figma maketlerinen mag'luwmatlar aliw. (export)

β€” Kishi figma maketi menen praktika, (URL)

10-sabaq | transforms, animations

β€” Checking homework

β€” transform values, methods

  • translate()
  • rotate()
  • scaleX()
  • scaleY()
  • scale()
  • skewX()
  • skewY()
  • skew()
  • matrix()

β€” animation definition

β€” animation properties

β€” animation shorthands

β€” keyframes

β€” praktika

β€” oqiwshilarg'a task

β€” taskti ko'rip shig'iw

11-sabaq | Display grid

β€” Checking homework

β€” grid definition

β€” gridtin' flexboxtan parqi

β€” grid properties

β€” grid container properties and values

β€” grid item properties and values

β€” grid project

β€” oqiwshilarg'a task

β€” taskti ko'rip shig'iw, tuwri jolin ko'rsetiw

12-sabaq | Exam

β€” Exam figma maket (url)

β€” Exam projectlerin toliq ekenligin ko'rip shig'iw

β€” Qatnaspag'anlarg'a(sebepli) online exam aliw. (yaki qosimsha shaqiriw)

13-sabaq | Github

β€” Google akkountlardi, default browserlerdi tekseriw

β€” Github akkount jaratiw

β€” Github definition

β€” git bash ti ustanovka qiliw

β€” terminal, cmd tu'sinigi, kerekli commandlar

β€” git bash and github connection

β€” taza proekt jaratqanda kerekli komandalar

β€” git clone, git pull, git push

β€” proektimizte basqa programmistler menen islesiw

β€” Teamlead sipatinda

β€” basqalarg'a dostup beriw, ha'm PR lardi merge qiliw, conflictlerdi sheshiw

β€” Developer sipatinda

β€” PR jaratiw, qa'teliklerdi tuwirlaw. (IMPORTANT ma'sla'ha't!)

β€” github issues, projects, repos, settings

14-sabaq | Landing page project (URL) 1/2

β€” Checking homework

β€” Proekt penen tanisiw

β€” Proektti githubqa ju'klew

β€” Proektimizdi config qiliw (kerekli variable, font, file, folder lardi du'zip shig'iw)

β€” Global styles

β€” Navbar, home, home cards

β€” Proektti githubqa push qiliw

β€” Oqiwshilardag'i qa'teliklerdi ko'rip shig'iw

15-sabaq | Landing page project (URL) 2/2

β€” Checking homework

β€” Proekttin' qalg'an ta'repin ko'rip shig'iw

β€” Kerekli fayllardi alip keliw

β€” Cards, teachers, send sms, footer

β€” Qa'teliklerdi ko'rip shig'iw

β€” Oqiwshilar menen soraw juwaplar

β€” Projectti githubqa push qiliw

β€” Hoistingge ju'klew

16-sabaq | SASS

β€” Checking homework

β€” SASS penen tanisiw

β€” SASS or SCSS? Differences

β€” @import, @extend, @mixin

β€” functions: String, Numeric, List, Map, Selector, Introspection

β€” Praktika

17-sabaq | SASS project (URL) 1/2

β€” Checking homework

β€” Proekt penen tanisiw

β€” Proektti githubqa ju'klew

β€” Proektimizdi config qiliw (kerekli variable, font, file, folder lardi du'zip shig'iw)

β€” Global styles

β€” Navbar, home, home cards

β€” Proektti githubqa push qiliw

β€” Oqiwshilardag'i qa'teliklerdi ko'rip shig'iw

18-sabaq | SASS project 2/2

β€” Checking homework

β€” Proekttin' qalg'an ta'repin ko'rip shig'iw

β€” Kerekli fayllardi alip keliw

β€” Qa'teliklerdi ko'rip shig'iw

β€” Oqiwshilar menen soraw juwaplar

β€” Projectti githubqa push qiliw

β€” Hoistingge ju'klew

19-sabaq | Advanced dashboard project 1/2

β€” Checking homework

β€” Proekt penen tanisiw

β€” Proektti githubqa ju'klew

β€” Proektimizdi config qiliw (kerekli variable, font, file, folder lardi du'zip shig'iw)

β€” Global styles

β€” Layout, responsive

β€” Sidebar, Cart

β€” Proektti githubqa push qiliw

β€” Oqiwshilardag'i qa'teliklerdi ko'rip shig'iw

20-sabaq | Advanced dashboard project 2/3

β€” Checking homework

β€” Proekttin' qalg'an ta'repin ko'rip shig'iw

β€” Kerekli fayllardi alip keliw

β€” Cart, main bo'limin islep shig'iw, responsive

β€” Qa'teliklerdi ko'rip shig'iw

β€” Oqiwshilar menen soraw juwaplar

β€” Projectti githubqa push qiliw

β€” Hoistingge ju'klew

21-sabaq | Tailwindcss

β€” Checking homework

β€” Tailwind definition

β€” Tailwind connect

β€” Basic classes

β€” Practice

β€” Advanced classes, psedu elements, pseudo classes

β€” Project

22-sabaq | Tailwindcss project

β€” Checking homework

β€” Tailwdincsste real project

β€” Proekt penen tanisiw

β€” Proektti githubqa ju'klew

β€” Proektimizdi config qiliw (kerekli variable, font, file, folder lardi du'zip shig'iw)

β€” Global styles

β€” Proektti githubqa push qiliw

β€” Oqiwshilardag'i qa'teliklerdi ko'rip shig'iw

23-sabaq | Tailwindcss project

β€” Checking homework

β€” Tailwdincsste real project

β€” Proekt penen tanisiw

β€” Proektti githubqa ju'klew

β€” Proektimizdi config qiliw (kerekli variable, font, file, folder lardi du'zip shig'iw)

β€” Global styles

β€” Qa'teliklerdi ko'rip shig'iw

β€” Oqiwshilar menen soraw juwaplar

β€” Projectti githubqa push qiliw

β€” Hoistingge ju'klew

24-sabaq | Exam

β€” Exam figma maket (url)

β€” Exam projectlerin toliq ekenligin ko'rip shig'iw

β€” Qatnaspag'anlarg'a(sebepli) online exam aliw. (yaki qosimsha shaqiriw)


1-sabaq | Kirisiw.

β€” JavaScript o'zi ne?

β€” Sabaq folderi ushin github repo jaratiw.

β€” JavaScriptti compile qiliw. Html, NodeJS, Online Compilers.

β€” NodeJS ti ustanovka qiliw.

β€” Threadlar haqqinda, let, var, const parqlari.

β€” O'zgeriwshi jaratiwdagi case'ler.

β€” reserve words

β€” Sabaqti bekkemlew.

2-sabaq | Data types

β€” Data types haqqinda.

β€” Primitive ha'm Objectler

β€” String

β€” Number

β€” BigInt

β€” Boolean

β€” Undefined

β€” Null

β€” Symbol

β€” Object

β€” Array

β€” Functions

3-sabaq | Type conversions, operators, logical operators

β€” Arithmetic Operators

β€” Assignment Operators

β€” Comparison Operators

β€” String Operators

β€” Logical Operators

β€” Bitwise Operators

β€” Ternary Operators

β€” Type Operators

β€” Scopes

β€” use strict haqqinda

β€” Sabaqti bekkemlew ushin a'meliyat

4-sabaq | Comparisons

β€” If else, ternary. (Practice)

β€” Switch case

β€” If else, Else if isletiwdegi best practice ler.

β€” Nullish operatori

β€” O'tilgen operatorlar boyinsha tapsirma, soraw juwaplar

β€” Date

5-sabaq | Loops

β€” for loop

β€” for in, for of

β€” advanced loops with arrays

β€” for loop arqali practice, nested loops

β€” labels

β€” while. for menen parqi

β€” functions, hoisting

β€” do while

β€” ba'rshe looplar parqlari.

β€” tapsirma, tapsrimanin' optimal jolin ko'rip shig'iw

6-sabaq | Objects, Class

β€” Object definition

β€” Object properties, values

β€” Distructures

β€” Accessing object properties

β€” Methods

β€” function decloration, expression, arrow

β€” parameters,

β€” context this

β€” call, apply, bind

β€” shallow copy vs deep copy

7 -sabaq | Advanced functions, class, objects

β€” function decloration, expression, arrow

β€” parameters,

β€” Class definition

β€” constructors

β€” constructors with classes

β€” constructors with functions

β€” reference

β€” invocations, call, apply, bind

β€” closures, repeating scopes

β€” prototype vs __proto__

β€” static

8-sabaq | Objects and Arrays repeating, practice

β€” Advanced objects in array

β€” CRUD operators with array

β€” Instagram posts clone. (mini practice)

β€” Oqiwshilarg'a task

β€” Taskti tekseriw

9-sabaq | setIntervall, setTimeout, localStorage, etc...

β€” setIntervall

β€” clearIntervall, set new intervall & clear

β€” setTimeout

β€” localStorage

β€” getters, setters

β€” Math

β€” random, floor,

10-sabaq | Promises, async, await, module

β€” Promise

β€” trycatch

β€” async, await

β€” macro, micro tasks

β€” Example

β€” Oqiwshilarg'a task

β€” module, export, impot

β€” named, default exports

11-sabaq | DOM kirisiw

β€” DOM - Document Object Model definition

β€” window objecti haqqinda tu'sinik

β€” parent, child definition

β€” selectors

β€” element attributes, get | set







12-sabaq | Exam

β€” Exam maseleleri (URL)

β€” Exam projectlerin toliq ekenligin ko'rip shig'iw

β€” Qatnaspag'anlarg'a(sebepli) online exam aliw. (yaki qosimsha shaqiriw)

13-sabaq | DOM Nodes, attributes advanced, events

β€” DOM Tree

β€” childNodes, first child, last child

β€” closest, nodeType

β€” nodeName, tagName

β€” innerHTML, innerText

β€” getComputedStyle()

β€” events

β€” mouse events







β€” Modifier: shift, alt, ctrl, meta

  • shiftKey: Shift
  • altKey: Alt (or Opt for Mac)
  • ctrlKey: Ctrl
  • metaKey: Cmd for Mac

β€” window events

β€” clientX, clientY, layerX, layerY, x,y

β€” practice

14-sabaq | Form events, input, select, change, copy

β€” form submit, preventDefault()

β€” Event: change

β€” Event: input

β€” cut/copy/paste

β€” DOMContentLoaded

β€” focus/blur

β€” practice

β€” data-src

β€” practice

15-sabaq | CRUD Project

β€” Reading employee

β€” Delete employee

β€” Create employee

β€” Update employee

β€” Check employee and delete many

β€” Optimizing code

16-sabaq | fetch, api

β€” API definition, (Application Programming Interface)

β€” fetch, (jsonplaceholder)

β€” promises, async, await

β€” request methods

β€” query, param, header

β€” crud operator with API

17-sabaq | fetch, api (practice)

β€” practice with api openweatherapi

18-sabaq | Practice movies

β€” practice with api movies

β€” searching movies, filter by type

19-sabaq | Project 1/2

β€” Project introduction

β€” postman

β€” import project API to postman

β€” start project UI with tailwindcss

β€” register form, login form UI

β€” integration with register,login API

β€” save JWT token to localStorage

β€” authorization validation

20-sabaq | Project 2/2

β€” Checking authorization validation

β€” showing all tasks

β€” create category

β€” create task field

β€” delete tasks

β€” update tasks

β€” complete task

β€” github

21-sabaq | Create project with vite

β€” installing nodejs, npm

β€” vite intro

β€” creating vanillajs project with vite

β€” folder structures

β€” change folter structure to src

β€” folders, files definition

β€” node_modules, package.json, lock files, .gitignore

β€” installing new packages

β€” package managers, yarn, npm, pnpm

22-sabaq | Tailwind, vite advanced project 1/2

β€” installing new vite project

β€” add tailwindcss package

β€” configure tailwindcss

β€” project intro

β€” start project layout

β€” save project to github

23-sabaq | Tailwind, vite advanced project 2/2

β€” checking hometasks

β€” project continue

β€” complete project

β€” code optimizing

24-sabaq | Exam

β€” Exam project API, FIGMA

β€” Exam projectlerin toliq ekenligin ko'rip shig'iw

β€” Qatnaspag'anlarg'a(sebepli) online exam aliw. (yaki qosimsha shaqiriw)


1-sabaq | ReactJS kirisiw

β€” web site & web application definition

β€” SPA Projectler haqqinda

β€” Vite create react project

β€” Folder structure

β€” node_modules, package.json, lock files, .gitignore

β€” ReactDOM

β€” JSX syntax

β€” Components

β€” Task

2-sabaq | React component, state, props

β€” Component, props

β€” Children

β€” js vs jsx

β€” state vs simple variable

β€” components rendering

β€” practice with state

3-sabaq | Events

β€” state

β€” onChange, onClick

β€” form elements, events

β€” validations

β€” controlled, uncontrolled elements

β€” CRUD practice

4-sabaq | React Router Dom, useEffect

β€” lifeSycles, useEffect basic

β€” installing package react-router-dom

β€” react-router-dom definition

β€” BrowserRouter

β€” Routes, Route (path, elements)

β€” NotFound page

β€” params

β€” useParams, useLocation, useNavigate, ...

β€” practice

β€” users page, user profile page

5-sabaq | Practice

β€” Project figma (URL)

β€” Create Layout component

β€” Outlet component definition

β€” Create Navbar

β€” Create footer

β€” Create pages

6-sabaq | hooks, useEffect, useState, useCallback

β€” lifeSycles

β€” useEffect in functional components

β€” class components lifeSycles

β€” useState

β€” useCallback

β€” custom hooks

β€” return and without return hooks

β€” practice

7-sabaq | API, axios, interseptors

β€” axios

β€” fetch vs axios differences


β€” headers

β€” FormData

β€” image, file uploading to server

β€” set default headers

β€” Authorization

β€” Project

8-sabaq | ContextAPI 1/2

β€” why context api and state managements?

β€” createContext(), Provider

β€” useContext get Provider values

β€” Global store

β€” Project with ContextAPI

β€” Oqiwshilarg'a task

β€” Taskti ko'rip shig'iw

9-sabaq | ContextAPI 2/2, useReducer

β€” useContext, createContext repeating

β€” useReducer

β€” create reducer function, and why this is need?

β€” create state, dispatch with useReducer

β€” state definition

β€” dispatch definition

β€” Services definition

β€” project with useContext, useReducer

10-sabaq | Food application 1/2 (ContextAPI, Chakra UI)

β€” configure new project

β€” installing dependencies

β€” configure Chakra UI light/dark mode

β€” configure React-router-dom

β€” creating folder structure

β€” configure ContextAPI

β€” Create Layout

β€” Create Navbar, light/dark mode

β€” create Home, Banner, Categories UI

β€” Fetching categories

β€” Filter meals by category, search

β€” commit all changes and push to github

11-sabaq | Food application 2/2 (ContextAPI, Chakra UI)

β€” review project

β€” fetch meals with search and category

β€” add meals to basket

β€” show basket meals

β€” change meal button where meal includes in the basket

β€” remove basket meals

β€” code optimizing

β€” commit and push all changes

12-sabaq | Exam

β€” Exam project API, FIGMA

β€” Exam projectlerin toliq ekenligin ko'rip shig'iw

β€” Qatnaspag'anlarg'a(sebepli) online exam aliw. (yaki qosimsha shaqiriw)

13-sabaq | ContextAPI, Chakra UI medium clone, Formik app 1/2

β€” Project intro

β€” Creating new project

β€” configure ContextAPI, ChakraUI, react-router-dom

β€” Create layout with Dynamic Outlet

β€” create Navigation

β€” Configure light/dark theme

β€” show posts, and users

β€” commit all changes all push to github

14-sabaq | ContextAPI, Chakra UI medium clone, Formik app 2/2

β€” Create user page

β€” Create post page

β€” configure text editor

β€” Formik configuration

β€” code review & optimizing

β€” commit all changes & push

15-sabaq | Redux kirisiw

β€” redux introduction

β€” redux ne ushin kerek?

β€” store ha'm reducerdin' inslew princpi

β€” createStore() @depreceted function

β€” store, dispatch, subscribe

β€” reducerda payload penen islesiw

β€” react-redux

β€” bindActionCreatorMethod

β€” practice

16-sabaq | Redux basics, redux-toolkit

β€” useSelector

β€” redux-toolkit intro

β€” configureStore

β€” createReducer, createAction | Old version

β€” createSlice

β€” practice with redux-toolkit

β€” oqiwshilarg'a task

β€” taskti ko'rip shig'iw

17-sabaq | redux-toolkit advanced

β€” Service functions

β€” createAsyncThunk

β€” slice extra reducers

β€” createEntityAdapter

β€” practice

β€” task

18-sabaq | CRM Project 1/2

β€” project intro

β€” configure project

β€” redux, redux-toolkit, chakra-ui, react-router-dom installing

β€” create layout

β€” create sidebar

β€” navbar, main

β€” Chakra UI Custom colors, styles

β€” configure redux

β€” creating categories

β€” delete, update, show categories

β€” commit all changes and push to github repo

19-sabaq | CRM Project 2/2

β€” project code review

β€” creating products

β€” delete, update, show products

β€” async functions,

β€” services

β€” code optimizing

β€” commit all changes & push

β€” deploy project

20-sabaq | MobX with React

β€” MobX intro

β€” Mobx vs Redux

β€” Mobx installing

β€” configure project

β€” repeating classes

β€” contructor

β€” makeObservable, makeAutoObservable

β€” obrserver function with function components

β€” async actions with mobx

β€” create project

β€” creating todos, show todos

β€” get todos with async action

β€” delete, update, complete tasks

β€” get keyword

β€” mobx optimization

β€” push project to github

21-sabaq | Next.js

β€” Next.js ne? Ne ushin kerek?

β€” Next.js vs React.js

β€” SSR definition

β€” pages, app routing, dynamic routing

β€” Link component, queries

β€” getStaticProps, getServerSideProps

β€” project with Next.js

22-sabaq | Next.js project 1/2

β€” soon

23-sabaq | Next.js project 2/2

β€” soon

24-sabaq | Exam

β€” Exam project API, FIGMA

β€” Exam projectlerin toliq ekenligin ko'rip shig'iw

β€” Qatnaspag'anlarg'a(sebepli) online exam aliw. (yaki qosimsha shaqiriw)

Last mont

Typescript, vanilla projects, typescript with react, typescript with Next.js *
GraphQl with Hygraph, advanced projects *
Testing, React testing *

Backend basics with Next.js, creating RESTfull API (how backend works?)
MongoDB (NoSql database) sql vs nosql
Integrations, sms code verify, Autherizations with gmail, github and other services
Portfolio ha'm resume du'ziw.
Resumedegi qa'telikler, jumisshilarg'a qanday adamlar kerek?