February 13, 2020

Thoughts on prioritising and productivity

Prioritising the tasks

Everybody knows that prioritising daily tasks is а useful skill in life. During the day we have a lot of work, meetings with friends or colleagues, doing researches. That is why it is crucial to manage your day efficiently.

Today I want to give some advice and tell you about my experience in using a time-management, which may help you become more productive.

My main goal is to complete more than 70% (more than a half) of the assignments.

The first step is to write out a list of all plans. It means you should determine the main blocks or categories.  For example, I have 6 blocks: university, internships, financial research, English, the Telegram channel and gym + home workout. 

Secondly, you should set tasks for each category by asking yourself a question

What should I do for each category?

It's to be noticed that there are a lot of templates, theories and opinions how to manage your day efficiently. To my mind, I found the best and useful technique named the Eisenhower matrix.

It helps divide tasks into 4 groups by 2 parameters - urgency and importance. Look for it in the picture below.

Personal lifehack

Now it's time to decide when and how we will do the assigned tasks. Basically, these questions aren't as difficult as

How to force myself to start doing work?

Many of the modern studies on personal productivity, show that nowadays people face а big problems of losing focus. One of the solutions is keeping concentration on one task for at least 15 minutes.

When I was in the first year of studying at the university, I realized the scale of this issue. For a while, I tried to find a solution that would help me control my time and manage my day.

The answer was turning on the timer.

I set a rule of using a one hour timer. During the hour I shouldn't switch between tasks and get distracted by social media.

This rule still works and I use it to this day. You should give it a try.


This technique seems like Pomodoro Timer in which homework is divided into 4 periods of 25 minutes each with short breaks for rest. In my opinion, it doesn't work because exactly in those short breaks you can lose concentration. During the break you can forget about the main duty and check messages on Facebook or Instagram. After that, you can't get out of the Net and all of your progress will be lost.