June 26, 2020
Backend Tests AS Project
- new methods:
- getOverview (need to test response structure)
- getProjects (need to test if there are related projects)
- getRetainers (need to test if there are related retainers)
- getInfo (need to test response structure)
- updated methods:
- index (added search, filter, sort)
- updated methods:
- store (added functionality for attach created contact to polymorph models, for example Company)
- updated methods:
- index (search by jql)
- new methods:
- getProjectStatuses (need to test response structure, statuses returned from Project static property)
- updated methods:
- index (added search, filter, sort)
- updated methods:
- index (added search)
- store (added calculation of monthly budget)
- update (added calculation of monthly budget)
Also created new Controller - SettingsController
- methods:
- getDateFormats (for form selector)
- getMoneyLocales (for form selector)
- getFormats (get current tenant regional settings)
- saveFormats (save tenant regional settings)