April 4, 2019


Over the years, technology has evolved from a mere switch for a light bulb to supercomputers which are able to give you details about the minutest of particles. Scientists from all around the world are working together to make computers and machines more smart in a way that they will need minimal human interaction. The technical term for this is artificial intelligence (AI).

Artificial intelligence

AI is the field of computer science where machines are trained to be intelligent, so that they can operate like humans. Your automatic gates, robots and Siri, all come under the category of AI. This field is a large domain on its own and still it is a superset of machine learning and deep learning. Over the years, more and more people have taken an interest in this field which has made it grow and enter almost all different kinds of industries.

What happens in AI?

A person who is studying AI is supposed to be capable enough to recognize the problem, think of a solution in an innovative way and then be able to solve it with a good approach. AI is all about approaches; which algorithm to use to get the most accurate answers. Some of the approaches in AI are cybernetics and brain simulation, symbolic, cognitive simulation, logic based, knowledge based, etc. These approaches have proven to be very efficient and they have helped in bringing this field to a very advanced level.

An example

A basic tool of AI is logic. You need to be logical enough to think of a solution to a tricky problem. The problem, for example, can be in an automatic car. Sometimes the traffic lights have minute long red lights in order to control the traffic while sometimes the lights are only seconds long. So how is your car computer supposed to start moving according to that?

Applications of AI

The applications of AI are everywhere from the medical industry to the music industry. AI has helped doctors and surgeons in surgeries and by providing high tech machines which help in predicting a disease and the survival expectancy for patients. There have been surgeries being conducted by robots which have been successful. As mentioned above, there is a rise in the demand of automatic vehicles for old age and disabled people. These vehicles will help them greatly in providing transportation and independence from having to take help from others. The finance sector has been enjoying the benefits of AI in the stock market and doing business while the government has been inventing new machines and weapons through AI for the military. Not only weapons, there are devices which detect the presence of weapons in the war zone as well.

Thus, you can see that AI has really been helping us in our lives in such a tremendous way. From our phones to an elevator, you can recognize the presence of AI. It won’t be long before seeing robots and automatic cars on the road will be a common thing!


If you are interested in learning more about artificial intelligence, then sign up for an artificial intelligence course which will teach you this subject thoroughly and make you capable enough to do your own kind of innovation.

Resource : ExcelR Solutions Artificial Intelligence