May 8, 2020

Transportation (Транспорт)

Meаns of trаnsport (виды транспорта): cars, trains, subway (метро), planes, bicycle and walking.

I take the bus to _____ every day.

I drive to ________ every day.

I rarely ________ to work.

It is too far away.

I don’t take the ______.

It does not have a reliable schedule.

Commute- the act of going to and from work (Это поездка на работу и обратно)

Traffic- when there are a lot of cars/vehicles on the road (Когда много машин/транспортных средств на дороге)

A ride- when someone else brings you somewhere in their car (когда кто-то вас подвозит на своей машине) Give me а ride – подвези меня.

Example Sentences:

1.     I take the bus to work every day.

2- My commute takes two hours. There is always a lot of traffic.

3- I ride my bike to work.

4- We usually walk to stores. If we have to go far we drive in the car.

Questions to Ask about Transportation:

How do you get to work?

Do you take public transportation?

Do you drive to work every day?

Do you use public transportation?

Where’s the closest bus stop to here?

Does this bus/train go to ___________?

What time does the next _____ come? (bus, train, etc.)