February 20, 2020

AHK free spambot

Gui, New
Gui, GuiName:New

InputBox, CstmMsg, Set Your Spam-Word, Type Your Word To Spam
InputBox, CstmTime, Time Between The Messages, Type The Time Between The Messages (in ms.)

MsgBox, The Spammer Started. Hold Right-Control Key To Spam The Message!`nTo Change The Message Press The [Insert] Key.`nTo Close The Spammer Press The [F8] Key.`nby Kordex

winwait, Set Your Spam-Word
ControlSetText, Button1, OK
ControlSetText, Button2, skip

insert::InputBox, CstmMsg, Set Your Spam-Word, type your word to spam,,,,,,locale

sendinput %CstmMsg% {Return}
sleep %CstmTime%