March 26, 2020

Dates benefits for women

The use of dates for women's body is that they have vitamins and minerals, 23 amino acids and a lot of dietary fiber, it provides strength and energy,

creates a good mood and helps fight diseases.

Dates began to be consumed in ancient times, they were recommended to eat even by oriental healers, and for some reason. They are distinguished

by the fact that they are enriched with fluoride, it helps to strengthen teeth, and selenium, which prevents the appearance of cancer cells. Dental

product is also saturated with fiber and proteins necessary for normal life.

Phoenixes help:

strengthen the heart and blood vessels, strengthen the immune system and restore the acid-alkaline balance. This will be useful for those who suffer

from hypertension, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis;
increase hemoglobin, as it's a source of iron;
cleanse the lungs of sputum and recover from a serious illness, including tuberculosis;
prevent the development of cancer, including breast tumors;
to remove toxins and eliminate harmful bacteria;
improve eyesight;
to improve appetite;
slow down the ageing process by improving hair, nails and skin;
forget about mental fatigue and exhaustion, support the body with anemia, nervous system disorders, lesions or inflammation of the respiratory

Get rid of the disorder or gastrointestinal tract dysfunction;
cure colds more quickly;
eliminate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (apathy, distraction, mood swings, hunger tides);
cure migraine;
forget about constipation.

More info: Healthy Life Magazine