April 2, 2020

How to choose a comfortable sofa

Get together and discuss your wishes about what the living room should look like in the end. Be prepared for arguments and disagreements, as they are the ones that help to give birth to truth, the golden mean that will satisfy all family members.

Think about how you are used to or how you would like to spend your leisure time at home, what is closer to you: quiet quiet evenings in the company of an interesting book, an exciting movie and a glass of wine or fun noisy meetings with your favorite friends? Do you often receive guests? Which home guest will use the room? Does anybody have to work from home? If so, how often? Do I need to provide extra bed or enough sofa and chairs? Where in your home will the dining area be located? And books? Do you have many books? Or maybe some dishes? Or do you value a collection of tiny elephants collected from all over the planet?

Read more: Home Comfort Magazine