November 15, 2023

Individual invitation to master mind sessions 


Thank you for your responce to my post on master mind. Would you be interested in taking a part? Let me expand on the idea.

So, we bring together professionals in different fields to discuss a certain topic and share their expertise as well as the challenges they're facing at the moment. It will be a series of online meetings, we're thinking maybe once a month for 3 to 5 months. Given the professional level and expirience of people we'll invite (CTOs of companies with successful product launch expirience), by the end of it, we believe the problems decribed initially will be solved or at least the members would have an impulse the needed to find the right solution.

It's crucial that each member of the goup comes with a certain problem that they haven't figured how to solve yet. We will do all the organizational preparation as well as moderating.

So what do you think? Would you give it a shot?