November 15, 2023


women don’t care about your money. they care how u made them. intrigue them

instagram - number one dating app

never give away all the information

no girls wants to fuck a guy who doesnt get girls

post 5-6 pictures. to keep intrigue

**_no nos_**
- no big groups of dudes (2-3 max)
- no open mouths (submisive, looser)

**_what to inbox?_**
{city name}? + {fruit emoji}

**_How to attach value to your attention?_**
0. basics - gym, dress well, have money

- yeah iam working 
- so whats ur job?
- just makin money

- who is that girl on your IG picture
- someone i know

- Iam busy/ working
- what work do u do? break hearts?

- how old are u ?
- x (20-27)
- That's a good age. Old enough to have fun young enough to be smart

If she dont want to give her whatsup - **FDB** (fuck dat bitch)
- oh i prefer chating in IG
u leave her not replyid

**be confident who u are, without being arrogant**

**keep in mind, this is game of numbers, its external thing. u are good, maybe her dog/uncle died. **

### Rules for texting her
1. dont double text her
if she ignores u, leave for a day or two. try once more. if she ignores again = FDB
2. Only message women at NIGHT
they are working, busy they cant multitask. man can
3. You dont ask girls to go on dates, you TELL girls to go on dates.
"would u like to go sometimes, maybe..." = pussy
sometime = ticket to a friendzone
"we're going for coffee soon" = TOP G. 99%: yes we are.
if they want shit test you: "are we?" --> yes we are
4. Never say you are going to bed. you are not a coward. say u going to work. then u can sleep

### Dating rules
0. goal of 1st date = to prove ur real, ur cool. keep it short
1. be confident
2. let her talk about herself (pretend to give a fuck)
3. keep intrigue
4. dont overstay

after first date dont text if dont wanna F.
start talking about adult thnigs, dont be creep, be smooth G
if she still replies, nice, from there couple days. orgonize second date

formal situations make things awkard