October 5, 2018

ARGO-open source as an alternative to outsource.

The uncertainty of the status of cryptocurrencies forces many entrepreneurs to stay away from the active use of the advantages of cryptocurrency mechanisms for their business. Reasonable care has not hurt anyone yet and therefore such behavior is probably correct.

However, the advantages of using crypto technologies are so obvious and attractive that business representatives, once faced with blockchain technologies, can not get them out of their heads, and continue to look for options for using smart contracts in their business niche.

An interesting model of using cryptocurrencies where you want, but prickly, is based on the principle of dividing the business process into stages and structuring the project. The magic words "project structuring", which I like to use lawyers, explaining to the owner what they charge a lot of money, in fact, just indicate the division of the overall process into parts, classify these parts to the competence of the authorized project participants, and building relationships so that at any stage was not a violation of the law.

In many cases, due to competent "structuring" it is possible to fully fit the project into the legal framework, while initially it seemed that the project does not even have the slightest chance to fit into the current legislation.

As an example of such structuring we can give the following scheme of interaction of project participants.

The Russian company decided to release its crypto - coins in order to raise funds and modernize production-to buy a production line for the production of fucking scarce products, which will bring frenzied profits and will lead the company to the industry leaders. Great plan!

However, to issue your cryptocurrency, to bring it to the crypto-exchange, to conduct an ICO, promising investors to share the profit - well, that's how it is, and to say! - at least it's scary. Everyone has heard about the money surrogates banned in Russia, the prosecution by the authorities of those who violate the legislation on securities and about the Prosecutor's office, actively interested in everything connected with cryptocurrencies.

Just the kind of situation when you want to, and prickly.

But we are not finger-made, frightened, but do not give up their dreams - start looking for workarounds and come to the idea to make all the creepy abroad, leaving in the Russian jurisdiction only what is described in the laws, and if not mentioned directly, it has analogues and can be explained by the Prosecutor, when they arrive.

Divide the project into parts:

The Russian company, which needs funds on the manufacturing equipment

• released their tokens by defining them as digital product IDs, and e-coupons for products of the company or otherwise within the boundary of the protected area of securities and not to intercede into the territory of money;

* transfers all these tokens to the management of a foreign partner in order to "use" them to attract funding;

• receives from the foreign partner Fiat money or even the coveted production line, if it is necessary to buy abroad;

* works, earns profit and gradually pays the cost of equipment supplied by a foreign partner, interest for the use of funds or its share in profit - depending on the selected model of relations.

Foreign partner, leading operations abroad outside the legal field of the Russian Federation

• receives the token, performs the ICO gathered the crypt sells on the exchange for Fiat;

* purchases and supplies the required equipment to the Russian company;

* accumulates funds for the supply of equipment, slowly buys tokens from the market, providing investors with the promised increase in the price of crypto - coins or without zatey distributing funds between investors as income on invested funds-depending on the chosen model, which is not obliged to comply with the model of relations with the Russian partner for the supply of equipment and calculations for it.

The scheme given as an example of project structuring is, of course, incomplete, and is not a guide to action. However, it demonstrates the principle of structuring - to divide the project into parts, each of which implements one or more tasks that do not go beyond the current legislation of the jurisdiction of the person involved in the project. Taking into account the differences in attitude to cryptocurrencies, ICO and blockchain technologies of the legislation of different countries, almost any task that has economic sense can be implemented due to the competent structuring of the project.

Any company is interested in the introduction of new solutions in the field of automation. Including the current challenges of the enterprise is the best answer decision is made on blockchain technology. They are reliable, scalable, versatile and allow optimal interaction with the external environment.

However, it is necessary to separate system and application tools for implementing such solutions. It is obvious that in contrast to the system tools purchased from a third-party developer, it is more profitable to solve applied tasks by own specialists, deeply immersed in the specifics of the enterprise. But such specialization, as a rule, defines the narrow boundaries of such IT-specialists. Therefore, to the above characteristics as added such an important concept as userfriendly. Here, first of all, we mean the ability to work with the system using the familiar interface.

Considering the foreign experience of industrial implementation of the technology, the blockchain, you can see the large achievements of the company BLOCKO, successfully cooperating with such gigantami, Samsung, Korea Exchange, Credit Suisse, Hyundai Motors, Lotte Card and the other in South Korea and Asia in General. Currently, the natives of BLOCKO are implementing an ambitious project in the field of public blockchain AERO, which is most consistent with the above qualities.


AERO intends to use and build on the existing COINSTACK Blocko platforms, which are a fully supported enterprise product that has been adopted by many of its existing customers.

AERO is designed to provide a complete framework for developing, organizing and deploying dApps on secure and high-performance cloud architectures.

Blocko will also help to cultivate technologies and be an ecosystem support partner.

Key stakeholders in the AERO ecosystem: any type of business that wants to use blockchain and its developer; and contractors, infrastructure, and it services that provide value-added services.

AERO also intends to support open source developers who wish to use, develop, incubate and expand core capabilities and projects within the AERO technology stack.

AERGO is not only friendly, but also completely open source.

Bringing new ideas and projects to expand the value and usefulness of the AERO ecosystem is a key principle of this initiative. Ecosystem partners will conduct special programs to support groups and research projects, encouraging these innovations.

The main elements of AERO are shown below. Together, these elements form a platform AERGO.


public access to the Internet of blockchains.

AERO Chain is a proposed new Protocol consisting of a global public decentralized enterprise network where blockchain manages node providers.

It intends to contain ERGOSQL, a new canonical smart contract that easily creates advanced smart contracts that enable the implementation of innovative business products and services.

Thus, the AERO chain can conceptually be considered an open source blockchain operating system.


open interface in the main AERO circuit

AERGO Hub seeks to work and connect with AERGO safe dApps dApps that are stored in one of two stores:

● AERO Public Repository, a common, open and decentralized repository underlying the infrastructure for dApps (similar to GIT public repositories that are used to host open source projects, or automated build servers for public cloud computing)

● AERO Private Repository which is a managed, secure and private infrastructure for dApps. These activities are aimed at achieving access control, application security and performance, data compliance, and quality of service ( " QoS ") 8 which are essential for enterprise it systems

Both types of repositories inherit the industry-tested implementation mechanisms and API compatibility in COINSTACK, tested with customers around the world.

These dApps (as well as other helper programs, computing resources, and services that are optimized for blockchain) will need to be used on the AERO chain.

It is assumed that this will be achieved at the expense of AERO Horde.

Management and software are designed for infrastructure providers who want to participate in the AERO Hub ecosystem.

For example: blockchain "node providers" or software providers.

Thus, the AERO Hub is conceptually very similar to the methods used in modern public cloud web services.


proposed single window for software applications, computing resources and other services optimized for AERO Chain

● Software AERGO Marketplace, computer technology and other services designed for starting or working with AERGO chain as part of the ecosystem that supports AERGO platform

● These services partners have access through a public interface AERGO Hub

● These services are designed to be managed through the AERO Horde


As can be seen from the above listed main components of the AERO, the described architecture is well thought out and meets the most demanding requirements from both technical and practical points of view.