November 17, 2023

Advanced frontend development

1-modul | JavaScript

1-sabaq | Kirisiw.

β€” JavaScript o'zi ne?

β€” Sabaq folderi ushin github repo jaratiw.

β€” JavaScriptti compile qiliw. Html, NodeJS, Online Compilers.

β€” NodeJS ti ustanovka qiliw.

β€” Threadlar haqqinda, let, var, const parqlari.

β€” O'zgeriwshi jaratiwdagi case'ler.

β€” reserve words

β€” Sabaqti bekkemlew.

2-sabaq | Data types

β€” Data types haqqinda.

β€” Primitive ha'm Objectler

β€” String

β€” Number

β€” BigInt

β€” Boolean

β€” Undefined

β€” Null

β€” Symbol

β€” Object

β€” Array

β€” Functions

3-sabaq | Type conversions, operators, logical operators

β€” Arithmetic Operators

β€” Assignment Operators

β€” Comparison Operators

β€” String Operators

β€” Logical Operators

β€” Bitwise Operators

β€” Ternary Operators

β€” Type Operators

β€” Scopes

β€” use strict haqqinda

β€” Sabaqti bekkemlew ushin a'meliyat

4-sabaq | Comparisons

β€” If else, ternary. (Practice)

β€” Switch case

β€” If else, Else if isletiwdegi best practice ler.

β€” Nullish operatori

β€” O'tilgen operatorlar boyinsha tapsirma, soraw juwaplar

β€” Date

5-sabaq | Loops

β€” for loop

β€” for in, for of

β€” for loop arqali practice, nested loops

β€” while. for menen parqi

β€” do while

β€” ba'rshe looplar parqlari.

β€” tapsirma, tapsrimanin' optimal jolin ko'rip shig'iw

6-sabaq | Objects, Class

β€” Object definition

β€” Object properties, values

β€” Distructures

β€” Accessing object properties

β€” Methods

β€” context this

β€” call, apply, bind

β€” shallow copy vs deep copy

β€” Class definition

β€” constructors

β€” constructors with classes

β€” constructors with functions

β€” reference

7 -sabaq | Advanced functions, class, objects

β€” function decloration, expression, arrow

β€” parameters,

β€” invocations, call, apply, bind

β€” closures, repeating scopes

β€” prototype vs __proto__

β€” static

8-sabaq | Objects and Arrays repeating, practice

β€” Advanced objects in array

β€” CRUD operators with array

β€” Instagram posts clone. (mini practice)

9-sabaq | setIntervall, setTimeout, localStorage, etc...

β€” setIntervall

β€” clearIntervall, set new intervall & clear

β€” setTimeout

β€” localStorage

β€” getters, setters

β€” Math

β€” random, floor,