September 6, 2018

How to Optimize Your Website Contents for RankBrain?

Google is bringing swift changes in the way of showing search result to visitors. Improving user experience is the core aim of Google showing the best result as per the queries. That is why Google is using RankBrain while answering unique questions done on its search engine.

RankBrain is a machine learning program or artificial intelligence launched by Google in 2015. It is considered the third most critical ranking factor used by the company to rank a site in the search result.

Google has been using RankBrain to rank sites for the last three years. No alternative is available for businesses than to optimise your website for AI to rank in the top. Reliable SEO services company can offer solutions to these challenges following guidelines and expert recommendations.

Let us how to optimise your website contents for RankBrain to rank high in the SERP:

Write Insightful Contents

RankBrain read and understand contents with new topics to show the best result to queries. The contents must serve the purpose for which it was written. You should create content which delivers the highest quality to your audience. In short, your contents should be:

·        Clear and purposeful for the targeted audience

·        Possess depth of information with sources

·        Focussed on the original topics

·        Maintain an optimum keywords frequency

Rethink Your Keyword Use Strategy

Writing your content on a particular keyword no longer works. RankBrain tries to understand the concept for which the contents were written. Using semantic keywords based on the topics improve your chance of getting preference from AI to rank in the top.

Write in Conversational Tone

More people are using ‘voice search’ in searching for products and services online. Understand the behavioural pattern of users and how they search online. Customising your contents in line with search queries improve the chance of ranking higher in the mobile search result. Writing in a conversational tone is an excellent idea.

Link Building is Still Key for Top Ranking

Good link building is still significant in ranking at the top of the search result. RankBrain assesses the quality of links built with your website. Make sure links are relevant to your industry and from trustworthy sources. Hence, do link building with the following sites:

·        High domain authority

·        Focus on the quality instead of the quantity

·        Relevant to your industry


Traditional SEO services can no longer work for you. It is the right time to refine your contents and optimise for the RankBrain to acquire the desired ranking. It is possible when you are taking services from a credible SEO service agency.

Want to get an advanced SEO service for your website?

Splashsys Webtech is a leading digital marketing agency offering solutions to your marketing needs. Contact them for professional SEO services today.