October 17

Useful commands | Summarizer Bot  

In this short document you can find all the commands that Summarizer supports


/sum {limit} - this command will summarise the last 300 messages in the group by default. To change limit, simply add a number to the end of the command. Remember, that limit should be greater than 10!

/faq - If you have any questions, just send this command to the bot or chat

/support - Will show support chat and other useful bot's links

/install - Bot will start installation process (this command works only in DM)

/subscription - Bot will offer a subscription for you (works only in DM)

You can type "ping" and I will reply with "pong". It's needed to check bot's status (or just play with bot 😄) either it's online or offline.

Other important things to know

Bot has delay between requests. Group without VIP status has 20 minutes delay. Group with VIP status has only 1 minute delay. Bot restrictions have been added to prevent possible spam requests to OpenAI API and malicious behavior of the user towards the bot.