Minter Magazine
7 posts

All art works for our contest

Here you can see all the art works that were sent for our contest. Please look on them and vote for the best you like on Saturday July 27 on @minter_magazine channel .

What is Mbank and how it works

There was a lot of talks about Mbank. Today, after a week of it's alfa-release everybody can use it and buy/sell BIP or custom tokens. So lets look how it works.

Minter contest bot translation

After joining contest bot you'll see:

Storing your BIPs and tokens

Previously we've talked about managing our assets, but didn't take a look on storing assets in Minter Network. It is not a hard problem to solve but there are a couple of things you should know.

Minter's token economy

The main feature of Minter as a flagship of an "Internet of Money" is it's token's economy model. In this article we will try figure out how it works and what are the factors, influence on issuing and existence of tokens.

How to manage your assets in Minter Network

In this article we will talk about how to store and manage your assets in Minter Network. The thing is that many of newcomers in Minter are first time in crypto and have no idea how to deal with crypto assets. More of that, Minter has it's own features and we shouldn't ignore them. So let's look closer for these topics and probably people will manage their assets correctly.

Minter Network Introduction

Welcome to our first post about Minter Network!