4 posts

Are you criticizing? Offer. Impartial critique for Diaz's work

Diaz's work is about ideal country, where he described the main principles and values of "Idealstan". However his work did not mention life hacks to live in an ideal country.


There are so many different views on how ideal country should look like. That views are base on dissatisfaction of people with their lives in their countries. So, lets talk about country that people idealize.

Guardian of history

Once upon a time people lived in harmony and liberty in walls of NIS federation. Life seemed like a fairy tale in that federation. It was something like utopia, where everyone is equal and untouchable. There didnt exist miserable people. But after one occasion everything changed beyond recognition. That ocassion is well known as a great coup.

Me and IELTS or how to fail pilot test

Have you ever wanted to know the real level of your English? Today we had experience with worldwide assessment test which is famous as IELTS, with which help we identified our actual level of english. To be honest, we failed this test, because we did not have much experience and knowledge for this task. Due to the fact, that we failed this task, Mr Rizabek has developed a strategy for our self improvement at english language. I suppose that this year we are going to have productive work with our academic development.