July 30
How to exchange tokens on STON.fi?
Hello everyone. Welcome to this article. Here we will tell you how to exchange one token for another on the best DEX exchange STON.fi.
What is a swap?
Swap is buying another token at the current exchange rate.
How can I make a swap?
Go to the website - https://app.ston.fi/swap?ft=STON&tt=TON
Select the coin you want to trade in the first section (top) and the coin you want to trade in the second section (bottom).
Enter the amount and confirm the transaction.
Don't forget to pay a fixed fee of between 0.065 and 0.265 ton.
Your token exchange is now complete!
Useful resources/resources.
Ston.Fi - https://app.ston.fi/swap
Twitter - https://x.com/ston_fi
Discord Ston.Fi - https://discord.gg/Sru3YJwz