7 posts

Big Ideas from Jeff Bezos

1) Long-term Thinking. There are projects that you simply cannot complete within the frame of 2-3 years which is a classic span for corporate projects. There are some big bets like Amazon Web Services and Amazon Prime that take much longer than this time horizon. And that’s where long-term thinking could be applied. Just because in the longer time horizon we can do more and better, by thinking long term we unfold a whole new set of opportunities for ourselves. But that requires something - understanding of what we need in the long term. People always say - how is it possible to plan long term when tomorrow is so uncertain? That’s true but only as long as we focus on highly flexible variables like our own desires. Yes, today we want...

Value, scarcity, and virtue signaling

Hey! Today we have three connected points related to scarcity, value, and virtue signaling online.

What is more important - to be customer advocate or product advocate?

This point could be an interesting continuation of the point that Big Guys do not know everything just because they are big. Believe me, there are so many fundamental things that super mature players have very little idea about. What should go first - chicken or egg? Classic question, right? Yet we have an answer to it. 2 dudes in a garage!

Question the status quo and reinvent the wheel all the time!

Don’t be afraid to question the status quo. We should build things by ourselves, reinvent the wheel all the time. In short term it is a lousy strategy, but in the long run… There has been a nice example from my (Alisher’s) personal experience. PPDP stands for Personal & Professional Development Plan. And it is questionable - what is the difference between personal and professional? Normally it is hard to differentiate between the two as personal qualities are widely applied in professional fields and vice versa. Being confident - is it a personal or professional quality? Seems like both, right? Or what about being a flexible person? Same. So, how to build personal and/or professional development plans? Here is the answer I got:...

Effectiveness vs efficiency - doing right product and building the product right.

What to focus on - result or process? That is the question that people ask all the time. We’ve got the answer - both!) And here’s why: When you are focused on the result - you are effective which means you are doing the right things. When you are focused on the process - you are efficient which means you are doing things right. Obviously, you need to do the right things in the right way. But there’s more to it. And that’s why we need both effectiveness and efficiency which means that we need to be result and process oriented - centralized and decentralized!

Казахстан, плохое питание и экономика индивидуализма

В Казахстане самый высокий уровень потребления соли на человека в мире, почти на 200% (по шкале теоретического минимального риска воздействия) превышен уровень потребления красного мяса, насыщенных жиров. Люди потребляют недостаточно бобов, фруктов, орехов.

Artificial General Intelligence - around the corner or far distant future?

What side do you take in the global polemics around AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) - the super humanoid that is smarter than all human beings in the history altogether? Is it possible or just another story from Silicon Valley?