7 posts

The Internet goes beyond a website!

When we think about the Internet, it is common that the first thing that comes to mind, is a website, which can be the popular institutional websites, or blogs, or virtual stores, or social networks or any other type of website, according to your browsing preferences. But the Internet is much more than that!

Internet Business - How To Create One With Low Investment!

The internet is democratic, and that is an almost unanimous opinion. Who doesn't see the infinite range of possibilities that the digital medium can offer us, right? And that goes for anyone who thinks about creating business over the internet, even more with a low investment.

Facebook: Reach, Content, Lives and chatbot

People never had as much information as they do today, but they also never had so little time to consume it all. The posts on Facebook pages are delivered to 1 to 4% of those who follow them, so it is essential that the page has relevant content, which provides learning, information or entertainment and that topics that are evident at the moment are addressed, as this is the probability to arouse the person's interest and interaction with the post will be greater. It is not necessary to publish so much but to publish well.

How long does it take to place a website at the top of Google?

You have invested time and money on your website and now you want to see it at the top of Google's search results.

How to build high-quality backlinks

Some of you might be thinking what is the difference between link building and backlink building? Well, don't be confused because they are the same. Backlinks are inbound hyperlinks from one web page to another. Here, they are the same as link building.

8 tips on how to put together a good form for generating Leads

One of the essential components of a Landing Page for generating qualified Leads (potential customers) is the capture form .

Indexing on Google made easy, index new pages in seconds

I've been seeing it for a while and commenting on Twitter and today in a certain group of Google groups whose name I don't want to remember we were talking about. I wanted to leave here the evidence on the subject and it is that Google indexing is no longer a problem. We can get your new content indexed on Google in minutes or even seconds. For those who do not know well what I am talking about (sometimes SEO words get stuck in all of us), it is usually called indexing to the action that Google discovers - or rediscovers - our page and starts showing it in its results. Not too long ago we had to worry a lot if we wanted our content to be quickly indexed. Today that is no longer a problem, partly thanks to "Caffeine" the new Google...