September 2, 2020

Rental Fashion - the beginning of a fashion circles fashion industry

SHAREaLOOK, is a Swiss start-up, driven by the mission to support the formation of ​​a circular fashion industry. In recent years, especially since the collapse of the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh in 2013, the negative effects of the fashion industry have been discussed more and more publicly and the need for a system change has become increasingly clear. But where to start?

Clearly, we all already own more than enough clothing. However, studies show the trend towards more consumption and shorter life cycles. Fast fashion has taught us that we always need new outfits and that we can get them cheap and fast. The sharing approach of SHAREalOOK aims to increase the value perception ​​of clothing again. The platform promotes high-quality products and unites conscious fashionistas in a community in which they can lend each other their looks and exchange styling tips and ideas.  Women who invest more in clothing, she can share the costs in the community by renting them to other members.

In the long term, SHAREaLOOK will create a network of individuals, brands, shops and service providers that raise the quality level of clothing in the market. The focus here is not on generating short-term and one-off revenues, but rather on extending the product life cycle and regularly generating income through renting. SHAREaLOOK wants to prove that you don't have to push masses of inferior quality into the market, but can make the industry more sustainable if you distribute profits and costs better and renting clothes is the starting point here.