November 19, 2019

Things That Can Cause Fatigue In You

Tiredness is a thing that is experienced by all of us, and it does get away by sleeping adequately or by resting for some time. But fatigue is something different, and, most of the time, overwhelming, which cannot be driven away by sleeping or taking rest. Fatigue can also be a sign of some severe health issues that can bother you even more in the long run. There can be several medical reasons behind the problem of fatigue in a person. Here is a list of some of the common medical reasons that can cause fatigue in a person.

Inadequate sleep

It is one of the common and topmost reasons for fatigue in people. Lack of sleep can severely impact the overall health and well being of a person. A minimum of eight to nine hours of sleep is necessary for a person to stay healthy physically and mentally. In order to overcome sleep-induced fatigue, try to have quality 8-9 hours of sleep in a dark, silent room without any disturbances.

Sleep apnea

People suffering from the problem of sleep apnea can also face the issue of fatigue. It is because their sleep gets disturbed as their breathing stops momentarily during sleep. It happens rapidly, and most people are not even aware of it. But these sleep disturbances show its effect during the daytime, which is seen in the form of fatigue. Sleep apnea is mainly caused due to obesity, smoking, and drinking problems. Managing weight and avoiding smoking and drinking can give some relief from the problem.


It is yet another common reason for fatigue as there is a deficiency of iron in the blood. Women are mainly subjected to this problem due to heavy periods and because of pregnancy. The problem can also happen to postmenopausal women. Having food with iron or taking iron supplements might help in getting some relief from the problem.         
