WayAlarm MT4 indicators
WayAlarmPoint is an indicator for the MetaTrader 4 platform that offers a variety of ways to notify about price achievement in any direction. Its simple functionality allows you to select the appropriate sound for each direction and set an individual distance in points to determine the purpose of the price movement. In addition, the indicator will accurately indicate the time when the result was achieved.
WayAlarmPrice is a similar indicator that also offers various ways to notify when a price is reached in any direction. This indicator is easy to use and allows you to select the appropriate sound for any direction, as well as set a specific price to determine the purpose of movement. It also accurately informs you about the time when the result was achieved.
These two indicators are ideal for those who want to mind their own business, but at the same time not lose control of the market situation.
To start working with any of these indicators, simply place the file in the "Indicators" folder of your MetaTrader 4 terminal, then install it in the currency instrument window and configure the necessary parameters👌