May 18, 2022

Tendency to unmotivated anxiety

The technique was created by Viktor Boyko in the mid-1990s and it is aimed at identifying disorganizing emotional states.

Answer "yes" or "no" to the proposed situations (you can tick it off your fingers):

  1. You were a timid child.
  2. As a child, you were afraid to be alone in the house (perhaps you are afraid now).
  3. You are sometimes haunted by the thought that something terrible may happen to you.
  4. You get scared during a thunderstorm or when meeting an unfamiliar dog (or you were scared as a child).
  5. You often have a feeling of strong inner anxiety, a sense of possible trouble.
  6. You are afraid to go down into a dark basement.
  7. You often have terrible dreams.
  8. Unpleasant thoughts usually arise in your imagination when loved ones are delayed without warning.
  9. Most often you worry: no matter what happens.
  10. You are very worried when your loved ones go on vacation, on a business trip, abroad.
  11. You are afraid of flying on a plane (or going by train).

Interpretation of the received data

The more affirmative answers you gave, the more clearly the dysfunctionality of the discussed stereotype of emotional behavior is expressed:

10-11 points - unreasonable anxiety manifests itself very vividly and has become an integral feature of your behavior
5-9 points - you have some tendency to anxiety
4 points or less - there is no tendency to anxiety

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