January 19, 2021


Hello! My name is Peter, I am from Moscow and I’ve accumulated enough impudence and ignorance to roll out my first post made of English letters.

I’ve been learning this fckn language since kindergarten and I’m still not able to use it properly or at least without fear.

But everything will gonna change with this shitty post. I apologize in advance to the British Queen and to all my teachers.

What happened, Peter? Why today?

Well, I have two strategies to accomplish anything: to do it as good as I can, or to do it as bad as possible. Both ways lead to art.

Today I decided to apply the second strategy towards English. In other words, «Ну и че ты мне сделаешь? Настучишь в Скотленд-Ярд?»

I hope you read this with a strong Russian accent as it’s been designed. God bless you.
