How to avoid foolish decisions?
Identify decisions you have made in moments of weakness or impatience that had bad consequences
Most people do not set out to sabotage their future, although they may do so without realizing it, due to their own ignorance, rebelliousness, or contempt for God and His Word. Life can be derailed by silly errors in judgment, and the future consequences can be disastrous.
As Christians, we have God's Word and His Spirit to protect and guide us, but that doesn't make us immune to making bad decisions, especially in moments of weakness. We are more likely to make reckless decisions when we are hungry, angry, lonely, and tired. Let these conditions signal us that it is time to pause and evaluate our decision making.
Impatience and intense desires can also lead us astray and blind us to possible consequences. That is why we must learn to make decisions using a long-term perspective, instead of focusing on what is in front of us.
Looking back on your past, do you identify decisions you made in moments of weakness or impatience that had bad consequences? Even when a need seems urgent, it's best to slow down and carefully consider your steps so you can feel satisfied about the path ahead.