March 19

designer of emotions

I can also think. My phone is falling. I don't know if you already love this, my favorite question is why. What are the tasks of the event? So, now a second. Show the scale of emotions. What would you like me to be involved in? Understanding what events, showing what new emotions. Uniqueness of individuality. Excellent. Include. Personal needs. Show. Show higher needs. Fantasy. What unusual things can be invented. The world of magic. Show the CIA. Yes. Understanding the budget of the event. Show the opportunity to increase the task of the century. That there is another format. Everything can be done. Want a waterfall. Want an expansion. Unusual events. Excellent. Opportunities. Thank you very much. Because it really is. Because, well, that is, the first. This video, for example, is immediately separated. That is, in this video, it is completely different, compared to the fact that I also showed events in the first video. They were also big, that is, they were not short and small. But I showed from the outside how much I love what I do. How much I like to be in this creativity. And now I show the level, I show the scale, I show unusual ideas. I show, for example, the category is repeated four times in four projects. That is, in two years I made four large-scale projects with one person. That is, it shows the consistency. That is, if I wrote the dates and the years and the name of the project, then a person would understand that I am with one client, four events in a row, large. That is, people are constantly coming to me. People come to me for a long time. In general, this video really solves the problem that I cannot be addressed with a budget of 100 thousand rubles, for example. It is already clear that this is a huge job. That is, it makes you respect. I was now conducting a lot of casdev. I asked my subscribers and partners and teams. I asked what attracts them to me. And one of the answers was that I communicate with some amazing people. And on one leg, on the other hand, together with them, absolutely equal, how I do it. For example, such a video makes a person see in me not just a service. That is, very often to those who are here and know. Many of us are event specialists, this is a tourist business, a restaurant business, a hotel business. And many of us are considered a service. They look at us from above, as at a waiter. And I say, stop. First, every waiter can be absolutely legendary, for whom your restaurant will come. And only because of him will you visit your restaurant. And secondly, I am definitely not a service. I am ready to serve. I am ready to make you the best emotions that you have ever shown in your life. But I am a mega specialist. That is, it is the same as... Now I am often compared with some very expensive brands. Who do not even know. I was told that I am very similar to the bag of Berkeley, or whatever it is called. You see what I am still. And that my viewers bring their cards of desire to me, along with the villas that they want, the jets that they want to fly. Berkeley. Yes, exactly. Berkeley, Berkeley. I still do not have a bag. I still do not know what this bag is. But I am already not a bag. I am pleased with the name of the bag, Berkeley. But I hope that soon I will have a bag for something more valuable. Not just a bag. This video is Berkeley in events. This is high class in events. This is visible. This is visible in quality. This is visible in quality of shooting, in quality of costumes, in quality of viewers, in the number of viewers, in the platforms on which we work. And so on. And I did not collect foreign projects here. I took projects there for the last year. In the first video, there were projects that I did before, 5 years ago, and I did not collect them for my whole life. I collect them, and now I am collecting them. I asked the operator who was shooting these projects, he said that I could cut a few pictures. And so the second video was born. And now I ask for a presentation. Ruslan, please present. I have a magical person. His name is Ruslan. Magical person Kalion. Without his team, by the way, I would not have done anything in this life. And you can go to the first slide. And now we will go through a certain theory. And we will periodically switch to practice, so that after today's Zoom, you will bring me closer to my dream. I have a dream. I have a dream that the profession of an emotion designer will become so popular that everyone, for example, SMM, there were no SMM specialists 10 years ago, we did not even know that there was such a specialist. And now each of us is an SMM specialist, even if we do not have an SMM specialist. But if we can afford it, if we are a large corporation, Coca-Cola or Birkin, we have to hire the best marketers, the best SMM specialists. I want Birkin and Coca-Cola and each of us to soon master this gene, this code, the code of genius, the code of originality. In general, an emotion designer is the same person who creates products, who creates projects, in which people fall in love. This is probably the most important thing. He is generally such an eight-legged man, I will tell you now, a person who from all areas should see the whole project. Now I will tell you, you immediately try on for yourself how much you fit into the design of emotions, or do not fit. Just in case you have such skills. It is important that not only this person should understand a lot of things, marketing, advertising, HR. Now I will tell you everything, but you do not need to graduate from 8 universities for this, but you need to focus on one thing. So that people, in the end, when in contact with the HR team, they were happy, there were employees. That is, the focus of attention is this. And the employees went from the first to the last, they said, I have been working in this company for 30 years, I am not going to change it, this is the best company in my life. And then the conversation appeared that we broke up, I am not in this company anymore, there are no former officers, there are no supervisors in the restaurant I worked with. And this is the same person who knows everything about business, all the absolute points of contact, the points of impressions, this is also called my own technique. And they influence the most important thing, this is the love of employees, the love of clients, the love of the audience who pass by and see. That is, any people who come into contact with your brand, they begin to fall in love, and then what do they do? They just fall in love, they go and tell their neighbor, tell their friend, tell their dad, tell their social networks, recommend, say go, go, go. For example, I infinitely recommend the school of Yura Marodyan, which is absolutely beautiful. And there are many doctors, coaches, who I have passed, and I am constantly a vitamin that I drink, I am an ambassador of all this. And it is very important that today I will try to give you a little bit, I will try to give you maximum knowledge, I have no greed, you can start right after today's lecture, that is, bring me closer to my dream, start applying it in your businesses, and I will already know that we have more, that the gene, the virus that I carry, the virus of readiness and the desire to create legal products and projects, will spread, and believe me, I will already be happy about it. Therefore, today I will not be greedy, I am ready to answer your questions, I will tell you all my methodology, I will tell you how I think, and how my type of thinking and how my type of decision-making helps me to achieve the results of life that you see. Today I sincerely want to share with you. So, the first is 5P. What does it affect? I will now talk about very soft things and esoteric, so to speak, and sometimes about very hard marketing. But I want to show that in the design of emotions there is a very solid basis, there is resultativeness, there are ephemeral emotions that are difficult to understand, that are difficult to name, and this is the same conductor who controls both. That is, he controls both financial success and reputation, and at the same time he simply controls the state. That is, this is what the designer of emotions is in charge of. That is, if you are such a person, then at least in the beginning you will succeed. So, what is 5P? This is marketing, this is classic marketing. That is, these are the five words that you see. That is, this is a product, this is a platform, this is a place, this is advertising, promotion, these are people, and this is the price. This is such a classic marketing, these are the five knives on which a chair stands. Where are the words? Words are on the slide. I don't know if you see the presentation. Who sees the presentation, put a plus sign, who does not see the presentation, put a minus sign. We don't see it. No, no, no, no, no slide. So, Ruslan, no slide. Here is a part, a slide, someone has it. So, no, there is a cut, everything is there. If you have a phone, then try to move to the right and then you will see not only me, but also the presentation. So, there is a slide. In general, there is a slide. Great. I say, try to scroll the page. Try to scroll the page and then you will see me and the slide. I just don't know what you are looking at from the phone, from the computer. Let's zoom in. There is a slide. But even if it is not there, I can definitely send you a presentation at the end of today's presentation. Secondly, you can't see it from the phone. You need to scroll. Scroll like this and you will see. I can see it from my phone. I promise myself, I see the slide at the same time. That's it. And secondly, I will still say everything. So, this slide says 5P technology, 5 words. Product, place, promotion, people and price. That's it, Ekaterina. There is some 90% of it, and some don't. It's okay, just listen to me and you don't need this picture. This is the 5 legs on which the business stands, on which the classic success of this business stands. That is, you have to come up with a product. And there are a lot of components in the creation of a product. That is, its visual, packaging and meaning. All this is absolutely influenced by the design of the promotion. The product, when creating a product, is very strongly influenced by the design of the promotion. Next, the site. That is, the place. This is the place where it will be. How will it look like, what atmosphere will be in this place, how much is it in the center, or how much is it, for example, like the Burned Man, which I just rode. On the contrary, the most remote place of the event is also attractive. We think that we need to make everything as comfortable as possible so that someone does not feel any stress. And no, if you want to go beyond emotions, you can, on the contrary, make the most uncomfortable place. And Burned Man is just a legendary product, of which NPS 10, that is, we return from the clients and Sarafan, and in the first hour all tickets are sold for $ 500. This product has proven that the place is also very important. But if you use the skills of people, their thoughts, feelings and actions, then the designer of emotions has the skill to choose the right site. I work with communities now, I make trips to different countries, but I have my own methodology, very cool, step-by-step. I do not visit the country, but I know what kind of audience is going, I know what people are going, how much this hotel should cost, how many places should be in this hotel, what places should be for general use, how quiet it should be, how far away from the city it should be. There are a lot of factors that I influence, and in the course of my studies I will definitely give a complete layout of how to do it correctly at a distance. Now we did the trip to Dimash, everyone admired that the hotel was chosen twice, just a completely unique one that no one knew, but it was so good that it was created only for us. And they asked how I did it, how I chose it, because the choice is generally a Turkish thing, just a finger in Turkey, because I have never been there. I have a step-by-step methodology of how to choose the right site, with the right atmosphere, with the right distance, with the right tasks, how to register it and choose it. The next is advertising, what you do and advertise yourself, this is what your clients will advertise to you, who have come into contact with your brand. And it is very important to design emotions and think about what people will say after the event is over, or after they visit your restaurant or hotel. What you say about your product and what people say about you, this is influenced by design emotions. Then design emotions affect people, this is the fourth, people are your clients, people are your partners, people are your suppliers, people are your teams with whom you work. All the people who surround you are also the carriers of the code, they are also the carriers of the virus. And therefore, it is very important to ask yourself every time, what do I want you to say to me, what do I want you to feel, what do I want you to say. You said it in the video, you already said it to me, you didn't say it aloud, but you said it inside, you said, I'm cool, I want it too. Or my today's speech will end and you will like it, and you will start sharing this knowledge with your colleagues. You will go to your company where you work and say, I told you yesterday, let's change it. You will write on social networks that I had such an insight today, and it will be incredibly important and necessary for me. And, accordingly, I always think in the final, that is, what do I want, I want such a level of clients to come to me. I want you to fall in love with the profession of design and animation, my key task today is to make you fall in love with this profession, to show you the opportunities of this profession, to show you the prospects of this profession, to show you my approach to this profession, that is, I am not just an organizer, how I differ, what I am responsible for and why I earn much more than ordinary organizers. My fee was once equal to 150 thousand euros, I was paid for the enterprise. And now they also pay me for the businesses that I help, because they see how I talk to my strange approaches, Misha Dashkiev, I don't know what he's doing, he'll put a cloth on it, he'll show the role there. But how I increase their income and budget ten times, with the help of this incomprehensible, completely ephemeral existence for them. And I'll tell you today what I do, how I do it, it's clear that I won't be able to tell you everything perfectly today, but I want to show you my approach. So, these are the people, and what do we want? I want to ask a lot of questions, write down and work with them. What do I want people to think about me? What do I want people to tell me? What actions do I want these people to take in relation to me? If you answer these questions clearly, success of your business, because if you can ask a question, what do I want these clients to think about me, those who listen to me today, to think, feel and do, I want you to fall in love with the profession, not me in general, I want you to see the prospects in me, I want you to feel confident that this profession is cool, I want you to start applying it yourself, and in any case I send you to integration level Stalin for training, my intention is for everyone to испытать. I am very interested everyone, I want to learn everything from you, I want to be the center at you, I want you to be the center to rise and show success, I want you to raise surface generation. Because when you grow, you grow up, and I think in many respects what I understand now from my experience is a new butterfly. We might be leading entrepreneurs now, but it's still not too far of an advantage if there are such people who will want to grow and to use Internet as a work in progress, but made a development. Intimacy is upon innovation, which we have achieved with only earnings of purely market value, I want to have students, ideally 33-32 people, who will, firstly, carry this virus, and secondly, who will start working on the project that awaits me. I have a huge queue now, Misha Doshkiev, Masha Zaryonok, Masha Galanter, Danya Matukno, restaurants, cosmetics salons, tourist agencies, completely different businesses are waiting for me. And I say, I'm the agent for real estate in Sochi, I've been making an offer for a long time, in June. I said no, I said stop, I'm not ready now, I'll just be blown up. I know very well that I can help you, I know that I am a very strong force in your business, but one thing is not enough for me. I don't want to put my life on one company. I want many companies to become happy, successful and legendary, most importantly. And therefore, my task is to raise as many people as possible, ideally 33 people, but I can take 5 of my own, which I will send to the main company, where you can get experience. And companies are just waiting for me with open arms, waiting for a person to come to them. And the last thing on this slide is Price. What is Price? It is also very energetically and emotionally capacious, because we have our own conversation with each Price. We will always return to the conversation, because all people at first take it all in words. Ugh, cheap, oh, how expensive it is, I'm sick of it. I, for example, really want and dream that it is easy to fly business class on business jets. I don't know why, I still don't have a business class, I still don't know about these exchanges. But for some reason, when I go through a business class, I really want to fly in it. And for some reason, I can afford it for a long time. And moreover, there are 30% and now I am flying business class. But I want 100% and easily. But every time I choose a ticket, I look, it's expensive, it's cheap. I mean, I can't afford it yet. I'm talking to you all the time. Therefore, Price, he also talks to us. So think about how much your services cost. Is it expensive or cheap for you? Is it expensive or cheap for the client? Normal or not normal? What, can it be more? This is the very point at which you can talk. Can you go to the next slide, Ruslan, please? So, the technique is called «We are wonderful». This is my author's technique with such a name. My friend has a song called «We are wonderful». And I wanted, because this is the idea of the «We are wonderful», that every time you have it, even if you leave this formula today and start using it, with this technique, believe me, your income will just increase a lot, the speed of decision-making, the speed of your popularity in the networks, that is, everything you want will increase. So, what kind of technique is «We are wonderful»? I asked you about the video, you watched the video, any of them, and such a thought. Oh, what cool projects. Feelings. Well, I don't know, someone has a feeling of envy, someone has a feeling of delight, someone has a feeling of gratitude that they see this point B. And then the action. The most important thing is to refresh this chain. And the action that a person wants to take, I don't know, I want to go to her and learn. I want to order such an event from her, I will submit this event to the wish card. I want, well, that is, I just want, it is already here. I want to show this video to my girlfriends, so that they are impressed, and we also started together to go to such a point B. I don't know, yes, that is, every contact with a point of impression, with, well, I was talking about a cup, I have a cup. And I think that the cup in the salon, I am, I conduct audits and implement design of emotions in the beauty salon. And I think that the cup is one of the most important heroes in the beauty salon. That is, we think that these are services, super specialists, mega-names, parking, and so on. And sometimes the cup is the main character. And I made a post, just while he was designing emotions, I made a post about cups, just what cups were served to me in Thailand, in Bali, what cups were served to me in Novosibirsk, in these salons. And how, well, a cup is such a reason for the thought to feel the action. A cup, a beautifully served tea, it very often leads to the action that a person takes a photo and a video and posts it on Instagram. And says, I'm in this salon now, I drink tea, it's so beautiful here, I did a massage and now I drink tea. And everything is wonderful here, yes. And with this cup, those who have been watching for a long time, there was just a story that we have a salon in Kazan, it is called Number One. And there is a cup with a girl's voice. And I always, as many times as I came to Number One, I always took a photo and posted it. And then I gave my, Alyona, here is a wonderful girl, an assistant who helps me very much, and I made a selection of cups, just sent it and said, here, put it. And Alyona placed a cup from Kazan under the salon in Novosibirsk. And I said, Alyona, this is a mistake, don't do that, it's wrong, I say to her. And suddenly we get a message in the direct, oh, I recognize the cup, this is a salon of such and such a girl, she is great, this is my favorite salon. Well, that is, a person recognized under the cup that this is the salon that he loves. And this is a sign of quality, definite. That is, when we talk, that is, we, how to say now, that is, it shows a certain level, yes, that is, the salon with which I work, when we started working, they had cups, there were no cups at all, after Covid they took them and did not return them. And there is a wooden cup with a paper cup. That is, I most likely will never post a paper cup on Instagram, that is, what action do I want? We always act from the opposite, right? I ask myself the question as an entrepreneur, what action do I want people to take when they come to my salon? And this is for a legendary product, right? I want, we go straight from the opposite, I want those people who came to my salon to post on Instagram that they are in my salon, specifically indicated my salon, and said that they are happy here, and so on. Yes, that's the task. This is a very easy task that I work with, and if I want it, the next question I ask myself is what I can do in my salon or on my holiday or on my trip, what can I do so that people themselves want to post. And not just post, but specify the necessary account and praise me. That is, I must, accordingly, as soon as I ask myself this question in my head, what do I need to do so that all people put me on my account and praise me. Here is such a question you write. Who wants people to post your account and praise you? Ask such a question. Do you want people to post your account and praise you? Yes, great. Go, go. Now the next question. What can you do for your clients in your business? What can you offer them so that they want to indicate your account and praise you? What can you do? Give examples. Give the client more. Attract clients with a high check, this is incredibly possible. Give the client more than he expects. Surprise, so that goosebumps go. What can you do? I have a magic pea that fulfills the desire. Great. What else? Magic pea, great. I plan to make a magic pea so that it is not just an online service, but a material one. Great. I ordered a super comfortable, soft, beautiful. Great. It is difficult to think of what to do with the client in a tour of actions so that they praise me. Great. Now we are just talking about this. So, well, what, any ideas? Preparations for children, great. The primary reception is to cook something delicious yourself, great. We did the only aria of our employees, and what else do we not know? Great. And if it is on the phone, we will talk about it online. Great. So, look. I'm not looking at the chat yet. I can't. I'll make a video for them, as an excursion to the company. Now I can't read everything yet, but I can talk. For example, look, there was a task when we did the release of 5prisms, that we just investigated that we want to get new clients, new Instagram followers, high-quality, due to the event that we are doing. And we want that in the publication, so that people who are inside the event, mark a specific account of 5prisms. Why? Because 5prisms and Yura Marodyan. Because we did a study that where do clients come from. Clients come, most of them, 50 percent, from Sarafan, well, that is, they recommend, the second from Yura's account, and the third from 5prisms. Accordingly, we needed, well, that is, this is mathematics, you understand how mathematics works. We needed people to start indicating exactly 5prisms and Yura Marodyan, and to advise, sign, advise, visit this great school, and so on. But they are on holiday, we can't bother them much. They came to rest, moreover, they bought a ticket for this, that is, they came for free, they didn't even give them a holiday. I'm writing such a list of ideas for this question, what we can do to make people indicate this way. I say, first, let's make a hashtag. I'm studying at the best school in Pouchenko. And this shows that he is not just drinking on the graduation, but he is happy with those who have already passed this study and are studying at the best school in Pouchenko. This hashtag is a word, we will talk a lot about it, how to use these codes, we made a hashtag with the key word, super, love it. And people even started making tattoos, super, love it. This is a competent hashtag, a competent word, it can have a very strong impact on the result. We make a hashtag, I'm studying at the best school in Pouchenko. Next, we organize contests, one of the simplest. Organize a contest, just a contest, for something. We played a series of pajamas, Yura's birthday. It can be a massive material or some amount for a course at the school in Pouchenko. And the task was to post your photos and videos from the event, be sure to indicate the hashtag, be sure to indicate these two accounts, be as bright as possible, as much as possible, show your emotions, because there was a contest among these stories. We sat, monitored these stories and watched who, how, and due to these stories, a person had the opportunity to win. But not only. There was an opportunity to get a dose of glory, because we put these stories on a huge screen, and all people could see it. We are now making a completely different thread. I wrote about 20 ideas, what can be done specifically. You can, in principle, this is a peach, what I just heard, this is an awesome point of impression. If everyone in your salon or somewhere else will just plant a peach, and it also makes some sense, you can say, please, shoot it on video, because now it is important to come up with an idea, launch it into space, think about it, hold the peach in your hands, pour water, pour it, and come here to see how your idea grows. Or what grows, your beauty, your dream, you can say anything. But I think that many people, if you do this beautiful ritual, this is just a pea, I even have a slide, it's called a ritual, if you come up with your own business, rituals, whatever, at a certain moment you come, I had to, taking a ticket, I had to make this snowman in the sand, in the sand desert, and this is a ritual that made me a Burner right away. I go to this territory, I go to these laws, what kind of ritual can you have? There is a cup of tea, how will it be served, what will a person feel? Maybe in one salon I was, I was wearing a special mask on my eyes, which also warmed my eyes, and at that moment there was a meditation, not just me lying, but a meditation about my beauty, which is now awakening. And many say that I have become very young. How can you not believe that such simple things work? And with pleasure you create a point of impression that you want to take and post. We, for example, make such photo zones, in which there was a hot search everywhere, take a prism, take a prism, the best academy of photo-taking, take a prism. We did not give the opportunity to take pictures in places where there was no branding. We had branding everywhere, there were helpers, they greeted you, hugged you, they were branding. Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, and in the end there is a result. We have 3,800 publications, no, 4,800 publications and 3,800 new subscribers. Now new subscribers are a rather expensive story, on average, in order for such high-quality subscribers to come to the QA channel, it was necessary to pay the agency about 700-800 thousand, approximately. And it is not a fact that they did it so high-quality, because it is already such a very close, warm environment, came to the QA account and to the prism account. That is, in this way, what action do you want to be taken? And therefore, after today's Zoom, if you learn how to do this, that is, the meaning of the word action, you will say right away, what action, start from the action, start from the opposite. I want people to tell me this. Now I will show you, Ruslan, I sent you a video where such titles are going, Yulia Khodarsova is standing and there are huge titles behind her, please show it. I want to thank Ruslan, Dina and everyone who worked with this team, because without them, this show would not have been possible. I love you very much, I want to thank my team, because, believe me, I see that they work not only simply, but also that they set up my team, I love you infinitely. I love you, my team, from love, you are so connected, as a team of love, I know that it was very difficult for you. Kristina Makarenko, congratulations on this project. That's it, here is such a small video, yes. And what action, yes, that is, I want, that is, we, for example, did a lot, I do a lot of events, I don't tell them, as you noticed, that is, I recently started in the office, I have a lot of events, I have a lot of events, I don't tell them, as you noticed, I recently started to tell a little, not just because I have a complex of information, I probably also have a nickname, everything is explained, it doesn't matter, but I just thought that it was not very important that there is a client and the queue is worth it, and so on. But at that moment, when another show category ended, the host did not say who created this show, who produced this show, who directed this show. I sit like this and think that this is probably wrong. That is, I had no complaints, no offense, in no case. That is, we ourselves do not ask and do not demand, and do not manifest that our names should be in the titles of events. And then we talked with Nadine, I say, it is very important, that our titles should be in this show. And this is a classic example of how Yulia Khodartseva worked brilliantly in this show, she is just a genius, what happened in the rehearsal, we did it quite recently. And maybe she would definitely want to thank us. And we waited for this for another hundred years. But she could forget, she could be there after the show, in such scattered feelings that she could not name us, for example. And only the titles we prepared. That is, she turns her head, sees on the screen the producer of the project Darya Begayeva, the director of the project Nadine Zakharova, and she turns around and reads, I want to thank Nadine for the interview, I wanted Yulia Khodartseva to say good words to us at the end of the show, and that the titles were on the big screen. And I did it, you know. I did not ask the question, how to put Yulia Khodartseva's name in her head, so that Yulia Khodartseva would think that we are great and think of what to say about it. No, I did it so that it happened. They did a great show there, but it was not enough for Yulia Khodartseva to say this to us. Therefore, what action do you want people to take? Accordingly, go from this. Write to yourself today, as a homework, what actions would you like people to take for your business. How did they tell you, where did they tell you, where did they write in ClickAdvisor, in a book of complaints or on social networks. And how can I do this? How can I prepare the ground for the peasants to tell about it? Next slide. Is it clear? Write in the comments, please. Is everything clear? Yes, nothing is clear to anyone. Yes, great. No, thank you. Yes, great. By the way, I recently joined the master class of the Talk to Get Rich. And I got such a good feedback from many creators that I explain very difficult things in very simple words. And then it is very easy to apply them. And this is my skill. So, what is popularity? This is a new project, which is being built in turn. This is sold out in the first minute. And what do they teach us? The next piece of advice I would like to give you is to start observing. Just the task number three. I don't know how many tasks there were. Write down what products, projects, movies, festivals, doctors, which are always in line around you. For example, Maria Galantrana wanted her child to go to some school of geniuses. And she sat for two years, waiting for the X-data to click to buy. After two years, she still managed. But she could not succeed. And then I recommend you to start asking yourself questions. I didn't just go to Burning Man, I didn't just go to the fun fair. I don't just go to circuses. I don't just go to the premieres, but to events that have been in line for a hundred years. Tony Robbins. There are legendary people, legendary events, legendary projects, which are sold out as soon as they are released. I would recommend you to throw out these five, just your life, where they are, your neighbors, you just know about them, and try to hide their popularity. Try to think from this side, ask yourself the question, what do they do? I told you about the Burning Man ritual. What do they do that they are popular? And how can I ask the next question? I will think of it in my business. This is a very cool story. The next slide is the point of impression. This is when you come into contact with any person, with a name, with a super-love, or with a super-Vladivostok. And super-love is called by a completely different name. There are emotions there and there, there are thoughts there and there, there are actions there and there. And you just need to think about what actions you want to perform, and you need to create points of impression. I am a master of these points of impressions. I can do legendary, desired things, notebooks, T-shirts, candles, which people believe in. You can also ask yourself the question, what impression does my entrance make? What impression does my employee make? What impression does my logo make? What impression does my dog make? I sew everything to the point of impression. I have a point of contact, it is silent. I have a point of impression. The next slide is the online and offline point of impression. What is the difference? When you make an impression offline, live, it is much easier to make it. There is an active one. When you are live, you can think about the fact that there are sensory organs. There is a smell, there is a visual that pleases me, that annoys me. In online, the sensory organ is disabled. We do not feel the smell, we do not feel the activity. But you can come up with something. I can transfer the activity to you. I would be in your place if you have an online and offline business. What would I do? I would make a point of impression. What are your points of impression? Screen capture, tables, chats, people in the comments. Write it down. I recommend you to do it yourself. Online and offline point of impression. Even if you are online, you can make a point of impression. Meetings with your partners, messages you send to them, calls you make, restaurants you go to, these are all points of impression. We have an invitation to a fan, a project, an excursion, and in a day, a message comes to you, a voice of a fan, and you say, I am your dear friend, I am looking forward to meeting you. People go to the fairy tale in advance. How can they go to the fairy tale later? All the points of impression are already there. You have your business, just go through it. And then you can make a point of impression in a day. How to make people in the chat start meeting each other, start posting their meetings. Next slide. And now I want to show you three groups. They are the main elements. I told you at the very beginning that the teams I work with I have a lot of applications, my projects are large-scale. I have an application that... One of the important words that I use, why I'm being asked to do this, why I'm being asked to learn, is the visibility. What is visibility? I've seen a lot, I know a lot, I operate very quickly, I turn my operating block inside and give super-precise solutions. Think about your business, think about your name, what will be the application. Next, hashtags. I've already given examples, and phrases. You can make some rilsis with your thoughts, play with it, and it will evoke emotions. If you want to evoke anger, make a phrase with love. You can easily manage it, direct it. You just take a phrase and you can direct emotions, results and actions. Next slide. Next slide is about the influence of sounds on emotions and actions. I've already touched on this, I won't go into details. We also have different... How to say... There will be experiences in the course. Musical experiences. But the sounds can be not only music playing in the background, but it can be what I just said, some kind of audio greeting. It can be your meditation, it can be some kind of sound on the phone, it can be a ringtone in the house, it can be Alice, who is here, I can say a word to her. Alice, turn on the light in the bedroom. Alice, turn on the light in the living room. I can make a script. Alice, turn off the light in the living room. I can make a script of Alice's management, some kind of word, some kind of magic. And at that moment some music will play, and my phrase will play. And my whole house is probably filled with Alice. And I can and I want to make my house that will talk to the visitor, to someone who will come to visit me. So that someone comes in and Alice... I just say magic and then it starts. Alice says, hello, I'm glad to see you. Someone will look in the mirror and say, get out, we've been waiting for you. And now go to the right, to the left, to the wall. These are all sounds that can greatly enhance your emotions and impressions. They will not be stuck on it. Think about how your smells can influence. We have universal smells that bring joy to people. Smells that can irritate very much. Smells that concentrate attention. When you go to a conference and understand that people will get up, there are special smells, special diffusers that concentrate attention. And people will not get up. And this should be sewn into the design of emotions that drive these. Next activity. And the next thing is visual, words, texts. Visual, words, texts, sound, smell, activity, service, convenience. These are the ones I have collected on this slide. This is what it is worth paying attention to. The color is also very important. I have collected a whole series of colors with some strange nuances, with some strange names. But each color produces a certain emotion. And each color can affect the action. And this is very much controllable. In my course, I have prepared a collection of these colors and explanations. The next thing is rituals. Today I am telling you about the profession, what important points affect a person. Think about what I have here. What is my sound? What are my points of impression? What are my points of impression on smell? What are my points of impression on activity? What can you do, how can you do it? I want to surprise people. Why? I want to make people angry. I am a designer of emotions, a high-quality manipulator. I direct the actions of people, I program them for certain actions. This is a high-quality manipulator. This is pure manipulation. I am almost 50 years old. And I am a pure manipulator all my life. I want my children to be happy and successful. What can I do for this? I start motivating them to study, I motivate them to spend time together. This is pure manipulation, but it is always for the good. It all depends on your heart. My heart is very kind, very loving, very grateful. It is very restless. It always wants something. If you manipulate from this message, believe me, the planet will be happy. If I had a way to deceive everyone, I would probably manipulate. I want to choose those who I will take to my army of designers of emotions. Because in the first place, there are very important values. What does a person want to do? What does he want to achieve in life? What are the main beliefs of this person? These are all the main values. So, in general, rituals. Don't forget that you can do rituals. Next, Ruslan, what is your name? Presentation. Knock-knock. Ok, at least I have a presentation. The presentation is still based on the scheme that I am talking about. What else? Next, I want to offer you as an idea to draw attention to what a designer of emotions can do. This is to model group chats. What is a group chat? That is, you have a course or a community that communicates. For example, when I studied at Yura Muradyan's school, there is a very cool motivation to start posting what I will do in the session. I want my students to start posting what they are learning and they are ready to conduct the session. Moreover, they have already earned some money. And accordingly, there is such a task, you can do it right in the chat, for example, to write a special person who says, girls, I tried, I posted this post, I got 10 clients, I earned 3,558 gulden for Friday, it doesn't matter how much and what. But positive examples in live people's chats motivate very much, like, why did you do this, why can't I? What did she do, what did she write, show your post. For example, you can model the chat, the result in the chat and the information about you can be modeled by special people, that is, the chat's staff can sit in the chat. This is a pure manipulation, but it is very beautiful. It is for the sake of people to raise their heads, stop being afraid, and start doing it. Any questions? Everything is clear? Perfect. Everything is clear. I'm just saying, I don't see you. About the chat, it's interesting. I think that if you learn it all, if you learn this simple mechanics of the mind and feelings of action, and ask yourself the question, what do I want people to do, then it's very easy, you can even decide that I will be a moderator in the chat, I have 8 children, I don't need to go anywhere, I can model 20 chats in 20 companies, become a virtuoso in this, and they will pay me a lot of money. Because you can track the results, they came to the company from your actions. We measured how many publications there were, how many subscribers came. The same thing, you can just concentrate on the chat, become the best there and, accordingly, get money. We had 6,000 people in the chat, and they were all silent. I came up with a lot of mechanics, they all started to communicate, they became friends, they started to visit each other. You need to understand the task first, because some people will be irritated by this activity. I want people to start communicating, so that they don't get irritated, so that everyone is involved, so that they start posting about me, and they find cool people. I'm talking about the example, but there are a lot of mechanics, you can implement a lot. Next, what's with the presentation? Oh, it's here. Can I show the emotional curve? I got caught in these rakes. Emotional curve. I really like this technique, when you do something to make a person upset, a little bit, to experience bad emotions. You watched the storytelling I posted about the Game of Thrones, our project for the HackOff 55. It was a classic example. I knew he would be very angry. He hates holidays, he hates surprises. He was just swearing at me, saying, where is Katya, I had a good opinion about you. I didn't hear anything. I knew he would be angry, but we showed him the series, where his friends changed, it was funny. His heart was melting. I could make a toast in the evening, and he would be even more angry. I chose to behave differently. I chose to relax his heart through humor, through the feats of his friends. Then, when he had the most peak emotions, I貴 hahs to work more with me on his spikes. For your better understanding, the celebration is always guest's work, whether it was women, an unaboutable guest, he has to work for that. It doesn't cost a lot. The thing is that when Mom and Dad join me on 무대 we work. We do tea sessions. I don't get angry in my fun, but I was mł so often, Why didn't you understand anything? Just open tables, people in costumes, just drinking, just a person. At first he's a little angry, then he laughs a little. That is, it didn't reflect me at all. But I sat down and wrote down the original data, I wrote down the story. And everyone started to worry about this story. Everyone started, again, why am I doing this? I want new people to find out about me. Because this is a really cool story. And many started to repost, repost, and so on. I want such clients to come to me. I want women and men to do feats for their loved ones. I want our projects to be unusual, they were in different countries, when we did the impossible. I want to show it to the world. I want similar clients to come to me with a larger budget, so that there are more opportunities, so that more could be done. And for this I am ready to sit down and write a storytelling. But I look into the eyes of those people who will see, well, I don't know, whether they will see or not, but a lot of people wrote to me, you are a genius, I'm done, now I'm just waiting for my holiday to order it. I have the same problem with my husband, that's it, he's only for you. Well, that is, in such ways, I have no other way, like I made an ad in a magazine, or on the radio, or on television. I sew it all into my actions. I don't do any of my actions just for the sake of action. I do it for the sake of action, I see point B very well. I'm such a master of point B. And, accordingly, on the slide of the Sculpt to Action, this is also a very good mechanic. What do you want a person to do? Not just a post, not just a storytelling, but tell your story, get a prize. Tell me what you feel after all this. And would you order such a holiday? Ask a question at the end, so that a person somehow began to communicate with you. What else was written to me by Sveta? I cried for tears, what a wedding I saw, how my grandmother was crying. We had a lot of everything. We are masters of this. So, we go further. Next slide. I just said how to motivate yourself to do something. Next slide. Here, the kitchen of cases. We are talking about business. A remodeling designer is not just a person with magic sticks and wishes to fulfill. This is not about that at all. He solves problems mathematically in business. This is reflected 100% in the numbers in the networks, in the numbers in business, and so on. One of the strongest tools we will use to sort out cases. This is storytelling as a case. It was and became a case. To take a competent interview in a feedback, what a person feels after your project or after a meeting with your product, and to put it in a minute. For example, we took Yuri Morozyan for a holiday. And since his students came from different cities, we took 19 cases in two days, packed them in a minute. I was poor, I became rich, I was fat, I became thin, I had an unloved profession, I became loved. Cases were opened, and thanks to your product, something happened in this person. This is also a very good mechanism for promoting your brand in business. Think about it yourself. Start looking more carefully at the cases that you have in your head. You saw something like this, you know, you were tired, and you're like, damn, I want this person too. This works very well. Start watching the cases that you put in and think about what your cases should be. Write down 10 people you would like to have, maybe you are afraid to approach them. By the way, how not to be afraid to approach, I'll tell you later in the course. Or something else. Or you are shy, or you think that he has gone to you. But the most important thing is to write down 10 people, you know that I was influenced, and my product was influenced And these will be very strong emotional cases. Next slide is event marketing. This is what I'm a monster at. How to solve any problems through events. We solve problems, I don't know, if Shakespeare had a designer, at that moment, when Montecchi and Capulet quarreled, they would have lived in peace for a long time, and would have done something very cool together. Because we are constantly friends with Montecchi, Montecchi and Capulet at our events. We solve some problems, we just laugh at love, friendship. At our events, I don't know, a daughter, who is getting married, suddenly starts calling her father-in-law dad, and so on, what they could do for 15 years. At the event, after our events, she suddenly starts doing it. And the designer can control Montecchi. I ask myself a question, now there will be a project, it is quite complicated, and there is a cousin, I mean, there was a cousin, and they do not communicate with each other, although he is already married for 10 years. And he says, I would like to have 2 wives on my birthday, and they would be friends. That is, he will set such a difficult task. And this is incredibly interesting. So, one second, I'm here, I'm running. Here it is. So, all this is better. Knock-knock, knock-knock, knock-knock. I can't even stand my technique. Emotional pressure. So that I can see. Everything is fine. In general, I would like to draw your attention to the events that can be done. Because the events can be breakfast, it can be just watching movies for your client, it can be a meeting 15 minutes a month online, or something else. This event marketing greatly enhances the business task. And just one of the tasks that I would give you is to sit down and write a comment on the event for your clients and for your business. Ideally, it should be very simple. Not what I show, like a fountain of links, and so on. But what can be very simple, event-oriented. Write 5 simple things, events that you can do for your clients, together with your employees. Next slide. How to create a premium service. How to turn an economic view into a premium view. I am a master at this. I often have a product that costs 500 thousand, and suddenly it starts to cost 5 million. And the funniest thing is, I was in Kazan, and they say that this is a premium vodka, and it costs 10 times more than usual. And I say, what is the real difference between your vodka and a simple wheat vodka? We can put a filter there, and what can turn an economy into a VIP and a premium? Very often, it's just a package. Package and personalization are the two most important things that I can say in today's presentation. The simplest piece of advice I can give you is that you can personalize. Where can you contact your client by name or surname? I showed you an example. You just have to pick up the package. When we made the last trip to Turkey, everyone came. You have to understand what they feel, what they see on the road. Everyone was tired and did an event about the program to make people dancing. But you still need to cause a warm emotion. We write about each of them. We know a lot about them, we all are many famous bloggers. We write a small verse about them in rap style. I am wearing this T-shirt. I am happy and wear it with pride and joy. So personalization and packaging are very important. Look at H&M and Chanel packaging. One of the tasks I gave them was to build muscle. My course is very practical and practical. Take two brands, a cheap salon and an expensive one. Cheap shop, cheap shop, cheap restaurant, expensive restaurant. And compare. Make a comparison table. What is the entrance here? What is the tea service here? The premium service has its own code. And you can open it yourself. If you compare what they catch up with, you don't have to be in the premium department. H&M is richer than Chanel. It is not made of pebbles, it is not made of beautiful ribbons. It does everything as freely as possible. You can talk to the consumer in the language you need. And what code does the mass economy have, and what code does the mass VIP have, you can hide it by just going and watching. Because the pebble packaging in our language means that you are in the premium segment. And when the ribbon is embroidered, the brand is embroidered on the ribbon. The next slide. The tool is a free gift from the minimum budget. This is what will be in the program. I wrote a program. I remember that I wrote it. Yura asked me, he coaches me so that I don't get lost in this topic. But I still went out and passed all my knowledge. I wrote the program and I want it myself. I don't know how much, but I will definitely replenish this tool. A large number of tools. And they came for free from the minimum budget. I have a thread to turn into a magic candle, a sheet of paper, what can be done, how much can be done. And secondly, we will pump this tool constantly. I want you not just to come and take some tools from me and start using them, but I want you to pump up the press during the course. And then it works in silence. For the next 10 years, that's enough. I will give you 5 tools to make a masterpiece from a thread. And then, with the help of our joint brainstorming, we will pump up the brain activity ourselves and collect a bag of knowledge that we can use. A kind of encyclopedia. Next. Let's go back to the previous slide. If you have one of these pieces of paper, one of these pieces of paper, for each person, what can you do to please them, impress them, and ideally make them remember, impress, and also make a video? Here is such a small task. A letter. What kind of letter? Planes. Great. Planes with wishes. Send a hall. Great. Oregano. Great. I love you. Dreams. Write a personal message. Great. A plane with wishes. Great. Draw a caricature. Great. A rose. Planes with wishes. Shake hands. Great. Write a letter to yourself. Make a snow from paper. High. A warm letter that a person is cool and will become even cooler. A letter with wishes. A letter to Santa Claus. Snowflake. Cut out a snowflake from childhood. Snowflakes and leave. The question-answer-folder from the sheet. I think you don't need to look at the form. That's it, we passed the exam. The next question is about communication and wishes. High four. How? Wishes to each other. Cool. Look, see how cool. A hundred plus people are here. Some of them just listen, some of them participate. And even now we can all publish a book together, how from one sheet, how to load this letter, how to make it impressive, and so on. You can play with a piece of paper, tear it into pieces, make training. You can do a lot of things. I think that today's presentation is just to make you understand that it's simple. And to understand what thoughts. I have no unimportant details. The sheet must be branded, it must have a phrase, it must be of good quality, the pen must be very well written. On our last trip, it was also attached to the notebook. It must be a name. Such things are already over-pumped. I can't think otherwise. I would like to teach you to think like that. I would be very grateful if you, after today's webinar, will apply something and you will succeed. Remember what I want, and then I will start applying it. How can I do it? Tell me about it. Either in person, or in the channel. It is very important for me to get feedback, your cases. After my two-hour secret Zoom, you took the tools and they work. The exchange is very important. I ask you to do this for me. After today's webinar, I would be very happy if you saved a screen, posted, told me, and more people recognized my approach, my technologies, my pages, and were my friends, ambassadors, members of the team. It is very important for me to carry out my mission. I will be very grateful if you tell me, point me out, I will be grateful. Speed is one of the strongest emotions. There is a rocket that goes, and in this train there is a button called the speed tube. In the design of emotions, there is a very warm person. Itaps. It also has an amorous character. I'm very grateful. But it cannot be satisfied! There is a fantastic field especially among artists. It is challenging! It also has a humorous purpose. Yes, this is why Apex XNET unveils new businesses. They have not been represented so far by each other. But first, think about your own base of people who can do something for you. Anything, audio, embroidery, glass, anything, but something high-quality, personalized. And as a result, you will definitely get all my contacts, which I use and I will share with you. Next slide. Artificial intelligence. I've just learned about artificial intelligence and started to use it very actively. And this is exactly what helps me a lot in speed. I can write a content plan in 3 minutes, I can create a completely real picture in 30 seconds, I can make a presentation and presentation in 20 minutes, I can find some important information on the net, I can write a fairy tale about a child or a person with a task in a digital ballpen. I can do it and I will teach it and I will show how to do it. In the framework of training. Experience transfer. I want to call it experience transfer, but I don't consider myself a teacher. I consider myself a very simple person. Next slide. Active reading and listening. Working with information about a client and identifying critical points, archiving data. This is also what I'm good at. And what I would like to share with you now. Think about it, start listening actively. What do people want? What do they like? If you have a few clients, if you work personally with a client, then record their dreams. Just say a few words somewhere. Record what they want. This information can be very powerful. When I was set up in the Mishinoshki clan, in the Mishinoshki mastermind, one of the points that I really clung to was my birthday. I have a friend, Roman Pershiyanov, who once wrote somewhere in our part, I start to eat and drink apple juice in Europe. I realized that he really loves apple juice. It's a very important drink for him. And on my birthday, I had a conversation with his girlfriend and found out that he was in Sri Lanka for two hours. I go to Varna in Sri Lanka, send him food for two hours. And he comes and makes an incredibly good apple juice. And in a community where the entrance fee is 5 million rubles, the cost of an apple juice is not more than 5 thousand rubles. But this cost, this attention, allows all the participants of the mastermind who have experienced this, when they make a very personal gift, a project figure, something very important for them, they understand that we are a family, no one knows me like this, no one loves me like this, I want to be here. And even if I don't have 5 million now, I will find them, because I want to be part of this community. And this is very important. And I would recommend that you just start listening actively and recording, that is, write down 10 things that are important to you, which will influence the growth of your business, and start watching and recording everything. Let me give you a question, look at the tail, and you will be a master, such that you can influence, manipulate, manipulate the desired effect with these things that you see here. In order to create a new brand, you need to send them to your exploit written, where in countless weeks we will installed all the associated findings, you will earn three times more, thus on the Internet you will be able to look at these mysterious products for the first time and spend over 5 thousand rubles with this sci-fi atmosphere. And if you buy something frommuş e.g. from Market View, you will hurt yourself much, and you will hurt yourself like that. But we have a lot of economics in this world, it will help us all who are working with us. And if we, first of all, just buy something, for one month we spent on the analytics of what happened in every single line with diagnostics, karma in the final instructions to the mastermind, and fill in the encyclopedia in 15 minutes. What if you have a client who is not a friend? How do you do it? Are the cards happy? Yes, the cards are happy. We'll tell you about the client. Can I buy the cards? Not yet. They will be in the course. It will be an exclusive small circulation only for these people, as a completely new tool. Until the cards are sold, but then, of course, they will be. What do I do with a client if he is not a friend? First, I try to kill him. I ask a lot of questions during the interview and find out why he is so angry now. Why is he so rude? Why is there something else? And as a rule, in 99% of cases, I succeed. I love people very much, I love my clients very much, and I love what I do. I love my team very much. But there are people with whom I do not work. I do not work with a slacker. That is, people who come only for money and do not want to make a main result. In this case, I do not need these people in the team. And there are clients for whom the value of any family, support, is not a value, and they are with completely different values. And respect for labor, for example. And then I do not work with this client. I say, sorry, we are not the economy that can develop this project. And that's it. It is impossible to be good for everyone. So, what else is there? Now we can take a coffee with tea. You can try to answer the questions. I just love to listen and I love to talk. But recently I went to a bathhouse, and somewhere there is a shaman, and everyone tells me that I need to talk, that I need to listen, that I need to do what I say to very important people. And not everyone tells me. I am now training my head. And you are the first today who shares this central moment with me. So, are there any questions? Questions? I'm sorry, I'm a little tired. I'm glad to take the moment, yes. It's great to talk to you. Thank you. Everything is great. I'm going to the other side. I'm going to the other side. I'm going to the other side. I'm going to the other side. I'm going to the other side. I'm going to the other side. I want to leave the standards of the webinar, then click on the pain, then sell something. I decided not to do it, I will just give the maximum benefit. If you want, you will be with me. If you don't want, I won't be doing the course, I'll be free. How to get into the team? I'll tell you about the difficult and pleasant. About the team. It's difficult to get into the team, but you can. You need at least a person like Alyona, she is a magician. In fact, you can always find a way to write to me. In Telegram, on Instagram. Everyone who wants to, always finds an opportunity. You can write, but not to my team. Why would you write it to me? What can be useful to me? Now I don't have time to take people into my team who need to be taught. But you can get into the team through the course of Danil Mots. You take the course, I already know you in the group, I wrote to you before. You can get into my team, and we all went to my course. And I've been living on this for 10 years. I'm glad that I'm a part of this team. About the difficult client. I have all the clients. The Africa that I did, first, it was done in a month, second, it was done in a couple of days. Do you remember what was in a couple of days? And third, it was done in a country where we even brought water. I'm already talking about barbers, kitchen, wine, and all the products, and clothes. We dressed all the guests for 6 days in a row in the dress code. We dressed ourselves and sent parcels with clothes. We did the event on 4 screens at the same time. And the event, all the videos, and so on. And in 5 hours of the event, the whole table was on the customs, the whole kitchen was on the customs, and the wedding was a threat because we all stayed at home. This is one of the most difficult clients. Plus, it's a different mentality, because Masha's fiance was French, and he was very interested in her values. But at the same time, it was very interesting. Next, the GPS question technique. And the question of the client is how to work with this information for their goals. I also give this technology, I call it GPS technology. It's an open question. Again, the question is about the result. It depends on the result I want to get. What answer do I want to get? How much should it be extensive? I don't ask, I'll say that you have a dad. I love it when it's dad. And then it becomes much easier for a person to tell. I have open questions, because what is GPS question is my technique. Then I clearly represent the point B. I want a person to open up and tell me this. I know it's difficult, but I'll figure out how to do it so that he tells me. How to create such a situation, such an atmosphere, how to solve this question so that I get the information I need. How to work with this information. In fact, this is the goal of the client. By the way, one of the reasons why clients stay with me for a long time, for a lifetime, is security. I keep any information that I own, I don't distribute it. I worked with top politicians, I worked in different states. I worked with big businessmen, I find myself in the masterminds where they talk about all the problems of analogs and big money. In general, there is enough secret information about business ideas. I am the kind of person who will never tell anyone unnecessary things. Of course, I don't use it for my own purposes. My goal is always to make my clients as cool as possible, to make them a product I have a relationship with. And for this purpose, I teach this technique of asking questions. Next slide. Technique to represent point B. I would like you to learn this methodology, this rule, to always think about the result. What do you want? Here and there, it is called. Here I gave the example of Putin. In fact, we will not name this person, because it is an ambiguous relationship. I worked with politicians. You take a three-hour interview, a five-hour interview, and there is no answer. Because they know how to get away from the answer. They seem to have given the answer, but the answer is not. And I always ask the question, what do I want to get in the end? This is what I am talking about in the next slide. I always know very clearly what I want. I clearly represent point B. For example, what helps me to eat and be a part of the project. I know the story of this person. I worry about this story. I love this person. I worry that this person will be happy. I already see him happy at the end of the final, when he gets this surprise, or will live this experience, or will go through this training. I see my students, I want everyone who brings some money to multiply it many times. This is my goal. My point B is to make emotions and multiply your investments several times. My point B is to measure the satisfaction of life, of finances, of myself. After two months of my course, it became much stronger. I want to see happy, successful people in my environment. I want to invest my time and experience to make it extremely productive. I really want this. This is my big dream. Therefore, I see point B. I see mega-successful people who have become mega-successful thanks to me. I will continue to tell my actions so that it happens. I'm not just saying, take this knowledge, and that's it. I'm not talking about this at all. I'm sure that even after today's Zoom, if you start applying it, you will succeed. Next slide. Assistant fixer from the hotel, who almost made it to the final. Congratulations. This technique helps me, I don't hide it. I use it very often. I use it once a month, once every two months. I had a difficult project. I didn't understand what was going on. John gave an interview for an hour. In a month, he gave an interview for an hour. But all this interview was no. We drove. No. The next question. He didn't answer any of them. He didn't answer anything. He was like a super agent. And then I turned to everyone who could. This was a turning point. I turned to the neurologists, to the channelers, to everyone. And I got very specific, clear knowledge that it was important, that Masha was important. It was a very simple 15-minute consultation. And I realized that I needed to focus on these points. I needed to pay more attention to these points. I needed these points to make more impressions. My point of view, my point of view became very clear. And, accordingly, I'm not ready to tell everyone about these contracts. Because, first of all, they were going to be available to everyone for a long time. In my life. Secondly, it seems to me that it is not very correct to come to such things consciously. Not just every day to eat a pancake or bacon. But still, you need to understand why you are addressing yourself. You need to address your intuition, your analytical mind, and so on. So, a second question came to me. Write something. I lost the chat. Oh, everything is fine. Is your enterprise always a risk? Or are you sure of the result? Yes, this is the last question. It was forbidden. And my enterprise is always a risk. Well, my enterprise is always... Well, first of all, I'm always sure of the result. Almost always. I'm sure that I did my best. Second, I'm sure of my team that it is not professional. Third, I know the talents of everyone. Who will cope with it, who will not cope with it. This is also my personal skill. I can manage the work of people. This is exactly the result. And third, I very much believe that I am the favorite girl of God. And that He always has the best plans for me. Well, that is, I do everything according to my personality, and my team does everything to the maximum. But at the same time, there is always a share of what is material, physical, that not only depends on us. In any case, we can plan one thing, and God has another plan. Therefore, it is not a risk, it is an adventure. Always a love project is a cool, interesting game, adventure, task. Next slide. Before the sale, or what else? I would go to the last slide, to the moment when I tell you who I will take and why and how much. Before the sale. By the way, I will not make a special price there. I'll tell you right away. These are all these games that are on sale. That is, now, within three minutes, I want to choose people who will go with me. I want to communicate with those whom I want to hug, I want to do cool things with very cool people. I don't want to sell anything to anyone. I want to choose. Therefore, there will be no super-multiple buttons. Before the sale. The last knowledge that I give you today. Always think about creating a legendary product. Once again, we have gathered today to create a legendary product. Products that are sold out, that are sold, that are talked about. We have come a long way. Advertisements, good place, then further retention, some kind of features. And that's it, he has already bought this product from you. That is, he left you. He doesn't need it anymore. This is a holiday, no need. A journey, now no need. Or there is no need to fix the soup. It doesn't matter. You can ask yourself a question, because very often there are big treasures in this question. What else can you give to a client? What can you give in a day? What can you give in a month? Sometimes it's a kind word, sometimes it's your product or project, sometimes it's a partnership agreement. It doesn't matter. It can be money, fame, it can be just a word of gratitude. It doesn't matter. But think about what you can do after. I would not call it pre-sales. You can sell, you can just make a good offer. Something as a gift. To remember you, to be honest. This is my project. In general, this is such a finishing tool today, which you received from me. Now, if possible, I don't know if you managed to do it. There is a slide. Here. I actually made this slide for you, but I don't know if it will be on the channel. I have a special number for this. From 1 to 11, from 1 to 01. I really liked this magic number. You see, it's like a course in words. That is, the first of January, 0, 2023, the first of January, 2024, is just information. We take the number of the unit, the number of the power and begin from the 1st to the 11th and finish from the 1st to the 1st. So, the 11th page of the record. This is such a sacred thing. And you can play with it. I specifically gave you a percentage that I wanted to conduct, from 0.7 to 0.7.10. It was principled. I write 0.7.10, but it's my assistant who writes text. This is a very simple thing, and you can play with it. I wanted to make a zoom from 0.7 to 0.7.10. I write 0.7.10, and my assistant writes 0.7.10. What can you manage? This period will be two months. After that, I will not load you 100 times. I usually work for 15-20-30 years. And most likely we will continue. But the educational part of the practice will be in this period. It will not be very busy, there will be home lessons, as I said. The theory will be 2-3 hours of communication, the theory of information transfer per week. How it will be, we will decide by this group. Either we will be there for 2-3 hours, or I will send a video. I would like it to be live meetings, so that you can ask questions right away. And those who cannot be in live meetings will watch this video. This will be the format. And the next slide. How much does it cost? There are three forms of participation. Form number 1 is called online-same. This is an online training. It costs 300 thousand rubles and there will be 20 places. This is a training, as you have just seen, but with specific actions, with home, with verification, with communication in the chat. But you will do it yourself. You will practice your own business. The curator will help, but I personally will not interfere in all the businesses that you have. If you suddenly tell me your ideas, I will be crazy. It is possible that I will take all the money and say, let's go, I don't need money, just learn and develop your project. This is also possible. You can get a grant if you write your own crazy project. What are you ready to do? This is an independent training with curators, but I do not interfere in your business. I answer questions, you also listen to all the Zoom calls. There are 20 people. Next is an online course. This is an online course, a course on real projects. It will cost 500 thousand. And these people will work with the project. Misha Doshkiev, Masha Zaryonok. I will choose them, I will teach them. You will see how I do audits, what ideas I prescribe. The main thing is to implement, collect results and watch the results. These people will take 10. There are two more places. This is called private. Private is a training of two to three people. This is an owner plus an employee. You have a cool employee who you want to implement for you. I will personally implement and watch your business. I will teach your person, who will stay and you will not be left with a broken box. This is an audit, implementation and costs 1.4 million. There will be two, maximum three places. How to send an application? You need to fill out a form, wait for the news. You need to write to Alyona, just WhatsApp. Make a screen, save and write. I want this package. There are three packages. You can listen to me. There is an online package, it costs 300 thousand rubles. This is two months of training. You will get a better one, because you will choose each tool. You will implement each tool, you will implement your business and get results. Plus, you will communicate in the chat. The second opportunity is for 500 thousand. This is when you go to work right away. Live projects, very cool, operating businesses. The third opportunity is to come with your business. Plus, one person is an employee. I choose your business, I go to it, I look, I conduct it. I personally teach your employee, I give you a presentation. I develop and implement design emotions for you. We look and check the results. My hypothesis is that absolutely everyone who will learn to use it will pay all their investments at the time of the course. This is my hypothesis. I have repeatedly proven it in my projects. And it all worked out. But I will not promise in advance, because it will depend on you. How much are you ready to invest your time, how talented you are, how much you have the same values as me, how suitable are your skills for this profession. It is important to me that you just leave an application, then fill out the form. And after that, we will contact you and watch, talk. You will already understand the decision whether you need it or not. And I will already understand the decision, I will take you, I will not take you. And plus, there is an opportunity to get a grant and go for free. This is not very good. I will tell you right away, you have a completely different attitude to this course and, accordingly, you start to move more. But I am ready to give a grant to a person who is in a difficult situation for some reason. He has super abilities, he has super ideas, super opportunities. I am ready to take such a person, maybe not even one, and teach and introduce him to my profession. I'm ready to answer all your questions. So, now, a second. So, I need to throw my phone away now. Now, a second, great, all questions. So, we are still standing, I said. And if I can somehow come up with my own business, then there are still things that I am ready to do. Again, I cannot answer now, I cannot look at it, understand it completely myself, and I will definitely not take it. That is, I do not think that people will immediately accept me or do it. If you do not have a business, you can go with your skills, with the ability to do what I do in the business of other people. But I do not understand yet, I do not understand how to take knowledge from the course. I do not understand yet whether I want to create something myself or I want to help people create events. How to do this? This is important. Well, within the course, you will decide, I think so. I am probably interested in this package. And then we will contact you, I will talk to you, I will understand what kind of person you are. And maybe I will tell you, you do not need to study, go study with me. I do not know, now I cannot answer this question, because I do not know you at all. Thank you very much for the lecture, there will be a meeting in Sochi in October. Thank you very much for the call, you are welcome. I think I will do it at the end of October, that is, in November. Thank you very much for your productivity, thank you, Glent. The channel is called Emotions, there is a presentation on the last slide. Thank you very much, very clear, interesting broadcast. The course is being launched, depending on what tasks you will set for yourself. Someone will receive a well-developed business, even an integrated design of emotions. Someone gets a new profession, a designer of emotions. Someone already gets not only a profession, but the result of the business in which he or she is investing. And then you can continue to work in this business if it seems good to you. Or go, that is, do different businesses and you will be called by the hands and feet if you study there. Very useful prices, there are some options, links. Yes, there is, you can do everything. I am grateful for the experience. I hope you will be useful, become such a designer for… Become such a designer for the systematology. Easy, by the way, the systematology is generally a great niche. Very valuable, thank you for your knowledge and experience. I want to realize myself deeply, I love people, I give emotions. And such a gorgeous thank you for the link to the GEP, I want to work with you, to breathe some air. Look, another very cool story is with the eventer. Who is an eventer? In general, an organizer of entertainment. This is the person who has his ass washed, and he rides a bike all the time, you know, this soap, he spins like this, and you need to spin very hard in order to make it in time, and a lot of nerves are spent, and so on. If you are an eventer, and already a very good eventer, then you can get a skill of design of emotions, and at the same time, do not go out at home, do the same, but only a few businesses, implement a few businesses in your own skills, get much more than the organizer, and influence people in the same way, and make more people happy. More questions? There are questions. Thanks for the broadcast, and in general, thanks to your events, I have friends. By the way, one more business for VIP. One of my strongest skills, which everyone says, is that people in my field find quality people, quality people who you will never meet in your life. And these people become just a miracle with whom you go together in life, and do so much cool. So, further. Let's answer more. What businesses are suitable for VIP? Listen, in fact, I have not had a single business that would be necessary. I work with real estate, I work with magazines, I worked with the beauty salon, I worked with the business, this is my great love, I have nothing to do with it. That is, any business can be made legendary, any business can be made, well, the one you are talking about, educational, entertaining. I will say it again, I will not take it if I think that I will not cope and I am not competent. I will not take it a thousand percent. I will say, guys, you don't need it, you don't need me, you may need this. That is, based on my competence, I will most likely recommend you to go to someone else, if I think that I will not cope with my personal skills, competence and competence. If I think that during the salon I can already understand what you are doing, give me some starting advice, and I will make a decision how much is mine, and you will make a decision how much you need it. But it is also very important that I will not take more. I can take less, but I will not take more. I will take three of these, ten of these, twenty of these, and that's it. And this will be the first, and I don't know, there will be more. That is, for me, now I want to go to 33 people, I like the number 33 more. I want to give everything, you know, I'm tired of it. I want to give the maximum, I want to get the maximum result, so that it just accumulates, and I will invest a thousand percent. I don't know what I will do next. Maybe I will post it on the stream, I will record a video course, as many people write, and everyone will learn from the book, but I don't think I will post it. Because I need you very much, you will become my team, including me. I have all the teams, I have nothing to show anyone, I have no agreement. But they all travel around the world, travel a lot, get a lot of cool projects through me. I have a lot of skills, all my people in the team come through me. And I really love to solve problems, I like it very much. Therefore, I can't do much. I will go to 33 people, I will meet them, and I really need my life to be included. Because I already have few teams, I need a lot of potential, cool people. I am very interested in you. I will be in the plan. I am grateful to you, because we had 120 people today, and this number has been maintained all this time. It was really useful and interesting. Only when there are no more people left, it will be interesting to someone like this course. Now there are 80 people, and for me it is a very valuable feedback from the world, that I am going in the right direction, and this is necessary. It is always easy for others, and very difficult for me. You are a mirror for me, you are a feedback for the universe. Therefore, I will be grateful to your applications, or grateful to non-applications. I will understand that I am going in the wrong direction, I need to turn around, I need to think of another way. But for me this game is very cool, and I will be very grateful if you tell me about the Solar Nebula, and I will be very grateful if you tell me about the Solar Nebula, and I will be very grateful if you tell me about the Solar Nebula. Thank you for your generosity, and work even on one project with you, and a lot of cool guys. The Space Organization is my favorite. I would only do this. If in a month of the event, there is no idea at all, what to start with? I work with a large enterprise of 3000 people, and show them ideas. I recommend you not to call yourself iPhone. Call yourself with your name, because it is important. I give you such advice, because there are so many different events, so many different houses, so many different events. For 3000 people, who are these clients, what is this project, what is the idea, what is their budget, ideas are not a problem at all. It is important not just to come up with ideas, but to make your ideas come true. I also thank you. I looked at your wonderful project and learned about the guys from our city, who work with you. I always point out my team. I never hide my team. I'm not afraid they will run away, because I don't give them much work. Thank you very much for the information. I want to go to the photo session. Thank you very much. Thank you very much for your warm welcome. I thank you for being present at this historical event. For me, it is a super historical day. I have not been on the air for 8 years. But all these 8 years I have been working, collecting information, training. I really want everything that is accumulated in me to be presented to people. I will be glad if I do this with you. This is my heart. Make a screen, tell me. This is his heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for being with me today. Thank you for sharing this mega-sacral moment with me. And I thank my team, Ruslan, who put the music. Here is the music. I thank Alyona, who collected the presentation. At the last moment, I sent it to her for the honor of the event. And who will communicate with you, and help me speed up the process of interaction with you. And Fyodor, who gave a link to this Zoom, so that more than 100 people fit in it. And all those, thanks to whom I am who I am. And Masha Galanter, for helping me with all this. I thank them. I don't know how it will end, but today was a great day. I went to it, and I'm proud of myself. I thank you for your attention. And I wish you a great day. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. I love you. Fondue loves you!