June 13, 2021


You don’t need to knock DBpedia, SPARQL, Linked Data, and the notion of a Semantic Web as the basis… | by Kingsley Uyi Idehen | Medium

What Is Competitive Intelligence & How Is Your Competition Using It? - NetBase Quid

Wikiverse: a galactic reimagining of Wikipedia

Desiderata for Knowledge GraphsAI3:::Adaptive InformationAI3:::Adaptive Information (mkbergman.com)

From Taxonomies over Ontologies to Knowledge Graphs - Semantic Web Company (semantic-web.com)

From Taxonomy to Ontology - Enterprise Knowledge (enterprise-knowledge.com)

Ontologies and Semantic Annotation. Part 2: Developing an Ontology | by Sciforce | Sciforce | Medium

Deep Learning and Ontology Development - CCRi

A Standard to build Knowledge Graphs: 12 Facts about SKOS - Semantic Web Company (semantic-web.com)

PoolParty Semantic Suite - Semantic Web Company (semantic-web.com)

Okay, You Got a Knowledge Graph Built with Semantic Technology… And Now What? | | by Ontotext | Medium

Future Demand of Semantic Knowledge Graphing Market 2021-2027 (openpr.com)

Knowledge Graph - WordLift Blog

Data engineering tools for building knowledge graphs | The Hyve

Home - Ingentium

QuickGraph#6 Building the Wikipedia Knowledge Graph in Neo4j (QG#2 revisited) – Jesús Barrasa (jbarrasa.com)


vThe Music Thinking Framework for iteration, innovation and transformation | A diverging and converging blog by Christof Zürn (googleusercontent.com)

Features (gephi.org)

Relationship Extraction - NetOwl Extractor

Visualize query results using the Amazon Neptune workbench | AWS Database Blog

Immersive Big Data Visualization – Immersive Learning News

Partners | AllegroGraph

DBTA-Knowledge-Graphs-2019.pdf (allegrograph.com)

Knowledge Graph Tools for Non-professional User · 语雀 (yuque.com)

Py3plex toolkit for visualization and analysis of multilayer networks | Applied Network Science | Full Text (springeropen.com)

GNOSS Knowledge Graph Builder - GNOSS

The ArtBase Relaunches: Welcome to Linked Open Data | Rhizome

Online Semantic Knowledge Management for Product Design Based on Product Engineering Ontologies | IGI Global (igi-global.com)

22 Free Social Network Analysis Tools - RankRed

Power BI with different Network Visualizations – SQLServerCentral

SW-Lecture13-handouts.pdf (sti-innsbruck.at)

(PDF) Construction and Quality Evaluation of Heterogeneous Hierarchical Topic Models (researchgate.net)

Learning About Topic Modeling | HASTAC

Mazumdar-ToolForCreatingAndVisulizingSemantic(VoR).pdf (shu.ac.uk)

What is Data Visualization? Definitions, Graph Types and How to Use Them (klipfolio.com)

A taxonomy generation tool for semantic visual analysis of large corpus of documents | SpringerLink

6e8022a7-47f6-45bc-a67b-ce370037fba3 (stample.co)

Инструменты визуализации и организации знаний, мышления, коммуникации и социальной инженерии (evolkov.net)

Онтодизайн: Три уровня визуализации: данных, информации, знания (evolkov.net)

Визуализация знаний — Letopisi.ru

Школа открытых данных — Инструменты для визуализации данных (opendataschool.ru)

WEB-сервис для визуализации ассоциативных и семантических сетей (it-claim.ru)

Конференция «Объединение онтологий. От теории к практическому применению» (ntinews.ru)

FtmUi (ontoplus.ru)

Трансформация форм представления знаний в дидактическом обеспечении процесса обучения английскому языку в транспортном вузе – тема научной статьи по наукам об образовании читайте бесплатно текст научно-исследовательской работы в электронной библиотеке КиберЛенинка (cyberleninka.ru)

Semantic Search Engine with Ontology Machine learning - XenonStack

UX Database Newsletter #08 - Ontologies, taxonomies and choreographies

How to define and refine ontology (optimalworkshop.com)

Smartlogic Semaphore - Semantic AI Platform

Visualizing an Ontology (yworks.com)

the structure of knowledge | Future While-U-Wait (wordpress.com)

Changing the Rules of Search - Ontology Driven (datafloq.com)

Amazon.com: Structures for Organizing Knowledge: Exploring Taxonomies, Ontologies, and Other Schema (9781555706999): June Abbas: Books

Frontiers | Technology Enhanced Learning: The Role of Ontologies for Feedback in Music Performance | Digital Humanities (frontiersin.org)

Will They Blend? KNIME meets the Semnatic Web |KNIME

Making Taxonomy Practical – Content Science Review (content-science.com)

Ontology and taxonomy – stop comparing things that are incomparable (janzz.technology)

Announcing Neo4j Aura, the World’s Most Powerful Graph Database in the Cloud | 7wData

Knowledge graphs in the fight against COVID-19 (thegraphlounge.com)

Ontotext Platform - Ontotext

Semantic Web Technologies

Semantic Web Technologies | SpringerLink

The Accidental Taxonomist: April 2019 (accidental-taxonomist.blogspot.com)

Semaphore Knowledge Modeling with the Accidental Taxonomist (hedden-information.com)

Taxonomies and Ontologies – The Yin and Yang of Knowledge Modelling (slideshare.net)

Listen to Algorithms to Live By Audiobook by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths (scribd.com)

Online Seminar Series: Problem of Cognitive Ontology - The Center for Philosophy of Science (pitt.edu)

(1) Problem of Cognitive Ontology series - YouTube

CFP: The Problem of Cognitive Ontology: Implications for Scientific Knowledge - PhilEvents


About the Zachman Framework

Home | Synercon.co

Taxonomy - YouTube

BIM Framework

42. BIMe Initiative Knowledge Structure - BIM Framework

BIM ThinkSpace: The BIMe Initiative

BIM ThinkSpace: Episode 3: Focus on Information

Introducing to BIM and its benefits across disciplines - Bilal Succar… (slideshare.net)

(PDF) Overview and analysis of methodologies for building ontologies (researchgate.net)

(PDF) An Analysis of Ontology Engineering Methodologies: A Literature Review (researchgate.net)

Ontology visualization methods and tools: a survey of the state of the art | The Knowledge Engineering Review | Cambridge Core

Frontiers | From Matrices to Knowledge: Using Semantic Networks to Annotate the Connectome | Frontiers in Neuroanatomy

Cell Type Nomenclature - brain-map.org

PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING - ppt download (slideplayer.com)

Resources – PARTHENOS Project (parthenos-project.eu)

factor - information architecture, human experience (factorfirm.com)

Do you know what ontology is? | Innoplexus

Ontologies and Information Systems: A Literature Survey (googleusercontent.com)


GitHub - rizzoma/rizzoma: Code that powers Rizzoma collaboration platform




Additional for shawn
