November 18, 2023
argocd-vault-plugin approle
vault auth enable approle Success! Enabled approle auth method at: approle/
vault kv put secret/argocd/mysecret username="admin" password="passw0rd" ======= Secret Path ======= secret/data/argocd/mysecret ======= Metadata ======= Key Value --- ----- created_time 2023-11-18T15:24:17.981340925Z custom_metadata <nil> deletion_time n/a destroyed false version 1
vault kv get secret/argocd/mysecret ======= Secret Path ======= secret/data/argocd/mysecret ======= Metadata ======= Key Value --- ----- created_time 2023-11-18T15:24:17.981340925Z custom_metadata <nil> deletion_time n/a destroyed false version 1 ====== Data ====== Key Value --- ----- password passw0rd username admin
vault policy write argocd -<<EOF # Read-only permission on secrets stored at 'secret/data/argocd/mysecret' path "secret/data/argocd/*" { capabilities = [ "read", "list" ] } EOF Success! Uploaded policy: argocd
Создание роли для связывания APPROLE(argocd) с политикой (argocd)
vault write auth/approle/role/argocd token_policies="argocd" Success! Data written to: auth/approle/role/argocd
vault read auth/approle/role/argocd Key Value --- ----- bind_secret_id true local_secret_ids false secret_id_bound_cidrs <nil> secret_id_num_uses 0 secret_id_ttl 0s token_bound_cidrs [] token_explicit_max_ttl 0s token_max_ttl 0s token_no_default_policy false token_num_uses 0 token_period 0s token_policies [argocd] token_ttl 0s token_type default
Now, you need to fetch the RoleID and SecretID of a role
vault read auth/approle/role/argocd/role-id Key Value --- ----- role_id 4050fe1b-5ffc-3af2-8c06-6547a9046546
vault write -force auth/approle/role/argocd/secret-id Key Value --- ----- secret_id 48c1cdee-15d2-0ef9-a7f8-6b586c2516ad secret_id_accessor 7b4d4cf8-90ed-02c1-7a73-a04060b91bbf secret_id_num_uses 0 secret_id_ttl 0s
Now lets login using our new APPROLE
ROLEID=4050fe1b-5ffc-3af2-8c06-6547a9046546 SECRETID=48c1cdee-15d2-0ef9-a7f8-6b586c2516ad vault write auth/approle/login role_id="${ROLEID}" secret_id="${SECRETID}" Key Value --- ----- token hvs.CAESIJqbChZ3vxw7BVy7ZeB7nabAZWA1QO1wvdeej1bOOYS-Gh4KHGh2cy5YejlXTmtaVm1LQzFXZlZEdnpKVW1uWHo token_accessor KWYovBA9rxBvF3O7PHIXty0h token_duration 768h token_renewable true token_policies ["argocd" "default"] identity_policies [] policies ["argocd" "default"] token_meta_role_name argocd
export VAULT_TOKEN=hvs.CAESIJqbChZ3vxw7BVy7ZeB7nabAZWA1QO1wvdeej1bOOYS-Gh4KHGh2cy5YejlXTmtaVm1LQzFXZlZEdnpKVW1uWHo
vault kv get secret/argocd/mysecret ======= Secret Path ======= secret/data/argocd/mysecret ======= Metadata ======= Key Value --- ----- created_time 2023-11-18T15:24:17.981340925Z custom_metadata <nil> deletion_time n/a destroyed false version 1 ====== Data ====== Key Value --- ----- password passw0rd username admin
kubectl kustomize | kubectl apply -f -