Reset password FRP OPPO / Realme
If for some reason you forgot your password for your Realme account, then using this service, you will solve your problem.
Mandatory conditions!
Internet must be stable and LAN ONLY. Drivers must be installed correctly. You can check if the drivers are installed by switching the device to EDL or BROM mode.
Link to drivers for MTK and QLM.
How to check if the drivers are installed ?!
For devices on MTK, on the phone off, hold down both volume buttons and connect he to the PC.
For devices on QUALCOMM, on the switched off phone, hold the volume button down and the power button. The device will boot into RECOVERY, connecting he to the PC, click several times on the line Ver 1.2, in the window that appears, confirm the transition to EDL mode by clicking on the OK button.
How to make an application ?!
Dial *#899# select "software version" and send photo to our telegram
Within 5-10 minutes you will be sent a link to the software, you need to download it, unpack it to your desktop or to the root of the disk.
After that, start the device manager, open the folder with the firmware, start and transfer the TeamViewer data and device IMEI to the support staff in telegram