October 15, 2022

Celebrities Banned In Other Countries

99learner: Celebrities Banned In Other Countries

1. Justin Bieber (Singer and Popstar)

Banned in- Argentina and China

Due to- (1) Disrespect Argentina flag by kicking it on the concert and also banned in Argentina due to his Bodyguards attack on Photographer.

(2) He is banned in China due to his bad behavior.

2. Lindsay Lohan (Actress)

Banned in- India

Due to- Promote False Documentary

3. Katy Perry (Singer)

Banned in- China

Due to- She wore a sunflower dress in his concert in Taiwan, which China consider a breakaway province and it also represent a protest against China.

4. Nelson Mandela (EX- President of South Africa)

Banned in- USA

Due to- Campaign against the Country USA

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