February 16, 2022

OTC market (eng)

Chat is designed for over-the-counter exchanges between users with the participation of a guarantor.

Chat rules t.me/a4otc:

1. 1 message-announcement no more than once in 24 hours

2. Format : 🟢buy / 🔴sell, amount, payment method

3. Exchange only in pair with A4 and through our guarantor t.me/alfa_otc (check guarantor login carefully)

4. The minimum amount of exchange 15 000 A4

5. Guarantor commission 1% of the transaction amount, but not less than 150 A4

Example ads:

15,000 A4
25 000 A4

Transaction Process:

1. If you find a bid that suits you, you can write to the guarantor to create a general chat and the deal began.
2. After discussing the price, the seller transfers A4 to the guarantor
3. Guarantor confirms receipt and the buyer transfers StableCoin or other currency to the seller
4. The guarantor checks the confirmation of the transaction online and the seller's wallet, then transfers the A4 to the buyer, keeping 1% as a transaction protection fee.

Carefully check guarantor contact (t.me/alfa_otc). Have a good exchange!