August 10, 2022


The meaning behind the word “consciousness” still puzzles philosophers and scientists, being ‘’at once the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives’’. 

For now, let’s view it as an awareness - of every internal and external experience you get. 👁 Consciousness allows you to be aware of your surroundings and your own inner state. It is everything you sense and feel. It's how you react to things and situations, how you think and do things.

🪐 As you may or may not know, all planets have their own unique way of affecting processes on Earth. Your awareness plays a big role in controlling how pronounced these effects are & how they play out in your daily life.

In astrology, we can divide consciousness into 3 levels:

🤍 the 1st – and the lowest level of consciousness:

People with this level of consciousness choose to take the role of a victim - they always blame this world and others for “problems” that happen in their life, not seeking any information on why their life is the way it is. They love to prove their truth, meanwhile, they don’t really see the point of learning and seeking new perspectives.

In this situation, when any planet is in a tense position – the energy and effects, especially those negative ones, of this planet will manifest fully.

For instance, if the person has Mars in a tense aspect - for a person with this level of consciousness, it means that all negative traits of Mars will be exaggerated. When forming a tense aspect the energy of this planet can manifest as traumas and stressful situations. Or let’s take Mercury and Venus forming a tense aspect – this will manifest as arguing and struggling to understand each other in lovers life. 

On the other hand, the good aspects will be silenced as the vibrations of this person will be too low, and this subsequently blocks good energy in their life.

The role of consciousness is - that you can control these manifestations by increasing your awareness. 💫

The law of Coresspondece means that everything in our life is a projection of our inner state.

= as within, so without ☯️

Therefore, when you increase the level of your consciousness you get to:

🤍 the 2nd - and the middle level of consciousness:

At this stage, the person is already trying to work with thyself, grow and get the knowledge. There is an understanding that there’s something more to life. This person starts to understand that there is no need to be right about everything, no need to prove anything or blame anyone. This person is ready to grow and develop.

If we look at the tense aspects of this person - they are less pronounced because the person start to understand that there’s no point in arguing. This way, for example, with Mars or Mercury - there could be some emotional and tense feelings, however, the person is starting to learn how to go around conflicts and learn from these situations.

And then there is,

🤍 the 3rd - or the highest level of consciousness:

People with a high level of consciousness are here to bring more light, more life, more creative ideas, and spread love in this world. They acknowledge the laws of the Universe and use them in their favor. Always trying to be and do better. There is an acceptance of life as it is. 🐉

For people with a high level of consciousness, negative aspects are almost seamless. These people know how to go around them and don’t waste their energy on unnecessary things. And by being free of negative obstacles, there is more space for good energy to flow in. The good aspects multiply - bringing more good into their life. 

The main lesson you should leave with - is that by elevating your vibrations, you become the master of your life. You are always in control - choosing your thoughts and using them in your favor. ✨💫🕊🤍