TON Community
May 13, 2022

TON Foundation Help Bot: Help Yourself, and Gift Us Some Toncoin

The Great TON User Experience is right there in the critical support department.

1 billion dollars in the TON Fund is not enough to pay these poor volunteers.

Instead you are urged to help yourself, or feel guilty unless you donate some Toncoin.

And diplomacy is certainly part of the ever-repeating repertoire of some groups:

I'm not asking for any information about moderators, but, whether the Stalinist
"TON Community" channel is controlled by the TON Foundation:

So, TON Foundation owns the TON Community but cannot contact the moderators.

Yes, right, of course we believe that, more chance of the Pope giving birth to twins.

OK, so the TON Help Bot is there for technical problems. Not user experience problems, or directing people who have been 💩 upon by the Foundation's Community Channel, to some form of resolution.

Just take that shit and live with it. We are technicians, we care only about technical issues. We know nothing about, and don't give a shit about, User Experiences.

We use slogans like "Ecosystem" to just sound cool, it's newspeak.

Likewise for "mass adoption" — it is just rhetoric. We don't care about viral uptake.

We certainly don't care about the 99.9% of the world who has yet to discover TON that they will have positive experiences when "adopting TON".

Instead we believe that technology ALONE will take care of all that.

Same goes for "Community" it's just a word man, it's our Stalinist Channel.

Well guys I have news for you: the Bolshevik Revolution is waiting in the wings.

The problem with all this: is that yes, technicians should NOT be lumped with all these problems, the TON Foundation should spend some money on putting together some proper general support for people. Otherwise, how can "mass adoption" be a success?