November 3, 2022

Apple and Political Agenda

As I posted before and Pavel Durov followed up again recently, the issue of Apple is a very annoying one to people around the world.

For those new to this, in brief, Apple stifles good projects and developments with a very inefficient review system and a very unfair financial system for its App Store.

It isn't about the size of a product (small like TonSafe currently or large like Telegram), it's about politics of the usual parasitic scum elite that is misruling the world.

Apple has one rule for them, one rule for us (from TonSafe to Telegram) and another rule for its users. Allow me to give some simple evidence of this.

Wise, formerly Transferwise.

It is a company I personally am very familiar with, having worked previously for the same company as its two founders, I was among the very first users and testers of Transferwise.

There is no doubt that the product is super great and useful to the world, and was and is disruptive to the banker control monopolies with hidden fees and exorbitant fees, and has transformed the landscape. Or that its customer service is mostly excellent.

However, let's face it: I have reported UX bugs to them, and they have not listened, I have pointed out privacy issues, and again they have not listened. I'm not some small backwater bug finder, I find bugs in all Apple products on a regular basis.

But let's deal with the issue of the evidence of Apple's favoritism: as far as I can tell, Wise has never had any issues releasing its updates to the App Store. However, Wise does not give iOS users the expected experience and does not make use of the expected flow and features of Apple such as the essential swipes.

Wise does not publish details to its users about the updates either, treating them somewhat with contempt, even if unintended or out of laziness or some policy directive, each and every update always simply repeats the same sales line.

Contrast this with TonSafe and Telegram both of which give proper information and also make proper use of the iOS user experience and platform expectations in design. Wise does not but gets all updates released immediately without fuss. Why?

It's not about size, Wise is smaller in user base than Telegram. It is about money.

What else can it be about? Political connections? Sitting around the fire at Davos?

And what about how Apple treats its users?

Apple would like to not only protect its users from the world wild west of the web but also be seen to be protecting of its users, but, even at the cost of lying to users just to be seen to be virtue signaling about users privacy and security.

This would have Steve Jobbs turning over in his grave.

The jury is not yet out, but this is exactly what Apple is trying to force its App Store apps to do: lie to the users. And the morally weak, which includes Tonkeeper and Tonhub, are happy to comply, and become complicit in lying to their users.

This issue is being addressed by TonSafe themselves and will be made public when the outcome is clearer, so far, Apple is persisting with threats and pressure to make TonSafe lie and cheat Apple users, sadly, whilst the evil Google is not.


TonSafe has not given in, is not giving in and will never give in: the product is produces by an "old school" team with high morals and great capabilities and experience, and include many of Steve Jobbs generation. They won't lie to users nor cheat them.

Even if it comes at the cost of being unable to get updates into the App Store.

However, the fight has just begun, it may end if Apple sees reason of legalities of attempting to coerce app developers into cheating and lying to not only their users but Apple's users, and the maltreatment of those trying to make the web a safer place.


The contradictions are obvious, however, and the attempts have already been made. What Apple does, and indeed also what Durov does — whether he works with us all to facilitate strong legal actions against Apple or is selective in his approach — will determine the future of both companies and whether any of them can hold the moral high ground in the interests of Apple smart phone users everywhere.