May 31, 2020

How to Spot Cognitive Aging

It comes as no surprise to many of us to learn that as people grow older, their cognitive functions tend to decline as well. Now it is important to know there are two types of cognitive aging such as normal cognitive aging and abnormal cognitive aging.

Look, it is terrifying to think that you can lose cognitive function as you get older but it is also important to note that while mild cognitive impairment are unfortunately exceedingly common, people who do not suffer from these conditions will experience smaller, more subtle changes in their cognitive functions as they get older.

What Does Cognitive Aging Affect?

There are several aspects that cognitive aging affects but the two most common areas that people see a change in right away will be in areas like attention and memory. It is common to see a person affected with cognitive aging have a hard time paying attention and remembering different aspect of their life may it be their address or even people they interact with.

A lot of people may mistakenly think though that since normal cognitive aging is inevitable that it is okay to just let it happen. While fighting off something that is bound to happen is a person ages seems ridiculous, there are some things that can be done that may help alleviate these signs or at least make them less disruptive.

Is there a Cure?

Unless you can stop the aging process then there is no cure for cognitive aging. There are some drugs for abnormal cognitive conditions but these are more to improve their way of life as opposed to curing the condition. That doesn’t mean doctors aren’t looking because the day they find a cure for dementia or Alzheimer’s will be a fine day indeed.

But going back on what you can do to help keep your brain sharp as you age and that is to do cognitive brain exercises. These are the type of brain exercises where you are given puzzles, problems, and even games that work different parts of your brain. There are some games designed to help challenge and improve memory while some are designed to help you work on your focus and ones that work in a more holistic way to keep you mentally sharp.

These cognitive brain training techniques can be as simple as a small jigsaw puzzle or more complicated like a really challenging sudoku puzzle. The main thing to remember is that they will challenge the brain in different ways which is really what you want.

Work that Brain

The brain is like a muscle that goes weak when unused and cognitive brain training techniques will help ensure you stay as mentally sharp as you can for as long as you can. Again, there is no magic pill to stave off cognitive decline as you age but there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of maintaining your mental sharpness. You can even get professional help to come up with the perfect set of cognitive brain exercises.