August 16, 2019

Clean Verbatim

The transcribed text does not include:

  • Speech errors
  • False starts (unless they add information)
  • Filler words. Note that some of them can have a different function. For example, in the phrase "Oh my God", "oh" is not a filler word, but a part of the expression, therefore it must be kept.
  • Slang words must be written as "going to" instead of "gonna", "want to" instead of "wanna", et cetera.
  • "Yeah", "yep", "yap", "yup" must be written as "yes"; "alright" must be written as "all right".
  • Never spell "Ok" or "OK". It must always be spelled as "Okay".
  • Never change spoken contractions (e.g. do not → don't or don't → do not)
  • Don't start phrases with conjunctions in clean verbatim. If you really need to add the conjunction, just expand the phrase. For example: I went outside, butforgot to bring my umbrella.

Note: omit all the "mm-hmm", "yeah", "yes" reactions to retain a fluent text, unless they are answers to given questions. [Mind the verbatim ex. Don't write "mm-hmm" as an answer in clean verbatim, replace it with "yes"] Also, "like" can be kept if it is not a filler word, for example: "I paid something like 200 bucks" or when it introduces a quote: I was like, "Okay".
DO NOT remove filler words if they change the meaning of the phrase. E.g. I was kind of happy; It was like three days ago- leave them in

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