August 15, 2019

Процесс тестирования

Tests are mini-projects by one of our customers that we regularly invite you to. Each test covers a certain scope of (usually) one of their products. By testing the given scope, you will find bugs that you can then report for one of the given features in this test. You get paid for your report if the team leader approves and the customer accepts it.

Test invitations

When a customer submits a new test, our distribution algorithm checks which testers match the test's requirements regarding to their profile information, devices, and individual performance. If you match all criteria, you will receive an invitation by email. You can also find all your pending invitations under “Interesting tests for you” on your dashboard.

Accepting or rejecting an invitation

Whether you accept or reject an invitation is completely up to you. Also, you can join as many tests as you want at once; however, consider how much time you can dedicate and will need to participate in all of them. Keep in mind that we measure your activity in tests.

If you don’t wish to participate in a test, you can reject the invitation. Given the case that you accepted a test and want to quit it later on, you will find this option at the bottom of the right sidebar on the test overview page. The quit option is only available as long as you haven't submitted bug reports in the test and the test is not over yet.

Participating in a test

After joining a test, you will see the test overview page:

Before beginning to test, you have to read through all the instructions and feature descriptions to grasp the scope of the test. You can do so before the test starts to be able to test right away once the test begins. A countdown towards the top of the page indicates how much longer you have to wait until the start or how much time remains before the test ends.

Only after the test starts and while the test is running, the test environment becomes visible to you. To start testing, you have to access that test environment first. If a mobile app is supposed to be tested, install the app on your mobile device.

Once you've found a bug on the test environment that is in scope, submit it for one of the given features.

Review of your work

In every test, there is a team leader who can help you but their main focus is to check submitted bug reports. The team leader will ask for further information, if necessary, and approve or reject bug reports.

Bug reports approved by the team leader will be forwarded to the customer. Customers will review the forwarded bug reports and will make the final decision – the bug report either gets accepted or rejected. Typically, just one out of five bug reports is rejected by customers. To learn more about the status of your bug, click here.

Furthermore, if you don't agree with a team leader's or a customer's decision, you can also open a dispute.