Onboarding Test
Scope of the tests
The scope of onboarding tests is more restricted than typical customer tests, so please make sure you read the instructions. Reproductions, for example, are out of scope and will be rejected. Please also don't submit any disputes for rejected reports. You should also only submit a maximum of 3 reports per test.
The team leader will offer you constructive feedback and will send information requests in case any information are missing, unclear, or your report simply doesn't adhere to our standards yet. You can also use the in-test chat function to communicate with your fellow testers and the team leader.
What you need to do
You need to showcase your ability in these tests, so make sure to submit clear bug reports. If you do not reach the required level, you will have another attempt. Once you qualify as a full-member tester, we'll approve your tester account, so that you can then participate in customer tests.
Note: You can be rejected during the onboarding process if your performance is below our expectations after having submitted at least 6 reports throughout all onboarding tests.