The Best Internet Service Provider in Hyderabad for Corporates
Hyderabad is home to the top IT companies and other multi-national corporates all of whom are heavily dependent on a fast, consistent, reliable, and secure broadband connection. This is the only way they can ensure that work never stops and as a result, the business continues to flourish. As with regard to internet service providers (ISPs), there are many options available, companies can have a hard task when selecting one. In this article, we highlight the types of internet provided by the best internet service provider in Hyderabad for corporates.
There are two types of internet service that are provided to corporates:
1.Corporate Broadband: This internet broadband line is reliable and secure and is perfect for startups and small enterprises. In Hyderabad, this connection comes with high-speed internet, bundled static IP, widespread reach, and high post FUP speed. If you opt for a fiber optic corporate broadband line, then you will gain access to plans whose monthly rental ranges from INR 3999 to INR 10999. The internet speed, will vary between 400 Mbps to 1 Gbps and the monthly data will range between 1.5 TB to 4 TB.
Features of Corporate Broadband:
- Superfast activation
- Responsive after-sales support
- Easy plan upgrades
- Doorstep service by in-house experts
- Resilient IP backbone
2. Internet Leased Line: Another option provided by the best internet service provider in Hyderabad is that of an internet leased line. This connection is designed for medium and large-sized corporates where shared lines can compromise business expansion plans. An internet leased line is a private line with a dedicated bandwidth that ensures the fastest and most consistent speeds. When you sign the service level agreement with the ISP, you receive a guarantee in case there are latency and packet drop. As it is a dedicated line, you do not share bandwidth with any other party and hence receive access to an uninterrupted connection.
Features of Internet Leased Line
- Dedicated, symmetrical, and scalable bandwidth
- Minimal latency and congestion
- Internet connection is backed by the service level agreement
- Self-healing internet network with the option for power backup
- Powerful infrastructure setup
- Superfast access to major content delivery networks
- 24x7 network monitoring
- Secure internet connection
- Data recovery option
It is always advisable to seek a fiber optic technology, broadband provider when getting either of the above connections installed for your corporate. As the high bandwidth, superfast connectivity, symmetrical speeds, security, and low latency are only possible with such type of connection. So, the best ISP in Hyderabad for corporates is one that offers both types and is backed by fiber optic technology.
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ISPs offer two types of services for corporates: broadband plans and internet leased line. Each of these services is specially designed to meet the internet requirements of corporates. When it comes to the best internet service provider in Hyderabad, they offer these services with fiber optic broadband technology. It is this technology that ensures that corporates receive superfast, reliable, consistent and a highly secure internet connection to work productively and securely. This type of service will enable them to progress without glitches and interruptions.