May 10, 2019

1,000+ Profit Per Day with Sweepstakes & Push Traffic

I've decided to share with you an exact campaign that's making over $1,000 profit per day RIGHT NOW on push traffic with sweepstakes (CC submit).

Below you will find all the details about the campaign: push notification image, optimized copy (and the psychology behind it), dummy-proof optimized lander, and offer examples.

Without further ado, get ready to copy-paste this campaign and make bank starting today!

GEO: This campaign targets Denmark. While the population of the country is fairly low, this is a rich country so offers have a good payout.

ANGLE: For this campaign we are using the postal services of the country. In the case of Denmark, "PostNord". Most people trust the company that delivers their letters, and by using a sweet little trick in the ad copy, we get crazy high click-through rate.

TRAFFIC SOURCE: This campaign is currently running on 3 traffic sources: Zeropark, Megapush, and AdMaven. Megapush is delivering the highest ROI, followed by AdMaven, and finally Zeropark.

PUSH NOTIFICATION IMAGE: The image that we use as a baseline is fairly simple: a white enveloppe on a blue background. This is the color scheme of PostNord. Check with your rep at the traffic source to see if they allow using the PostNord logo directly in the push notification. (Zeropark doesn't allow it, but Megapush and AdMaven might allow it on a case by case basis).

Sidenote: The creative image and copy are included in the landing pages zipfiles below.

PUSH NOTIFICATION COPY: Most push campaigns use variations of "Brand: (1) Message" as the first copy line, but by using the following trick, the click-through rate is 50% higher: instead of using the word "Message", you should use the word "Package". The psychology behind it is simple: if you receive a notification from your mail company saying "PostalServices: (1) Package" you will assume that there's a physical package waiting for you somewhere. That's a gold nugget right there!

Here is the exact ad copy you should use:

PostNord: (1) Pakke

Tillykke! Du er valgt

The second line translates to: "Congratulations! You have been selected". You can also try a translation of "Please, update your details" as the second line.

LANDING PAGE: Here you should use the "gift box game" landing page. I'm sure you've seen it before... You click on 3 gift boxes and you win on the third click. I have uploaded this landing page as a super easy-to-use template. You have just 1 line to edit with your offer link, and that's all.

No logo: Download Here

Logo: Download Here

I've uploaded 2 variations of the landing page here. The first one doesn't use the PostNord logo: it should be used with Zeropark (as they do not allow brand logos to be used on landing pages). The second landing page uses the logo: it should be used with Megapush and AdMaven for best results.

DO NOT EDIT THE HTML CODE. This template makes heavy use of Javascript so you can use it on a cdn for lightning fast pageload. The only thing you need to edit is the first line of "javascript.js" to add your offer link. That's it. Don't try to be fancy.

Also, the template is responsive, so it works perfectly with both desktop and mobile.

Sidenote: there are a few other things you can edit in the JS file. Edit only if you understand exactly what it changes.

OFFER: For this particular campaign, the hottest offers are sweepstakes with an iPhone XS. I'm not going to tell you on which affiliate network you can find these offers, but here are screenshots of the best performing offers (You can always ask your affiliate manager to get these offers for you):

That's all folks. All you have to do is copy/paste this exact campaign and see the money rolling in.

SCALING: Once you're squeezing as much profit as you can from this GEO, you can run the exact same campaign (of course with translated ad copy & landing page using the local postal services colors & name) for a variety of other european countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Spain, Italy, France, and even a few Eastern Europe countries such as Hungary, Austria, Romania). Simply ask your favorite AM if they have some hot sweepstakes offers for any of these countries.