October 27, 2022

Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The Chairman of the Missionary Department of the Exarchate, Priest Georgy Maksimov, and the head of the Legal Service of the Exarchate, S.A.Belyaev, arrived in the Congo to continue the process of state registration of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, meeting with our clergy and compatriots.

On October 23, Fr. George celebrated the Divine Liturgy in Kinshasa, the capital of the DRC. Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Democratic Republic of the Congo A.L.Sentebov, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the Democratic Republic of the Congo M. Evtic, embassy staff and compatriots, more than 20 people in total, prayed at the service.  The liturgy was celebrated in the Church Slavonic and Serbian languages.

On Monday, October 24, in Tenka, Priest George held a meeting with the clergy of the Exarchate in the DRC, handed over antimins and liturgical vessels. The dean of the parishes in Zambia, Priest Barnabas Ntasha, arrived in Tenka to meet with Father George, and Eucharistic kits for the communities of the Exarchate in Zambia were also given to him.

At the parish in honor of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel in Tenka, Priest Georgy Maximov and the clergy of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa celebrated the conciliar Divine Liturgy. The visit of the priest of the Moscow Patriarchate has been expected and prepared here for a long time. The trip will continue, including in other countries of the Exarchate's pastoral responsibility, and promises to be eventful.