September 28, 2022

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia congratulated Kenyan President William Sama Arap Ruto on taking office.

His Excellency Mr. William Sama Arap Ruto, President of Kenya

Your Excellency, dear Mr. President!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on assuming the office of the President of the Republic of Kenya.

Having extensive political experience and a strategic vision of the priority tasks of state-building, you have been working for the benefit of your compatriots for many years. With your election to the high and responsible post of President, millions of fellow citizens pin their hopes on positive changes in the social and economic spheres, on the dynamic development of the country, ensuring its security and sovereignty.

I am convinced that constructive interaction of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa of the Russian Orthodox Church with local authorities and all well-intentioned forces of society can make a significant contribution to the establishment of enduring moral ideals in the lives of contemporaries.

I wish you spiritual and physical strength, God's generous help and success in your upcoming service to the people of Kenya.

With respect,