October 30, 2022

💒Orthodox Church in Africa - news. Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The non-canonical community of the "Byzantine Orthodox Church" of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been accepted into the Russian Orthodox Church. The rite of reception was performed by Priest Georgy Maximov on October 27.

Following its brethren from the Central African Republic, the Congolese community sent a request for admission to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. On Thursday, October 27, more than fifty people came under the omophorion of the Moscow Patriarchate. About a hundred more are waiting for Baptism, are being announced. The leader of the community "Bishop" Cleonik Madudu and the "clergy" were accepted into the jurisdiction of the ROC as laypeople.

On October 28, a Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the building of the Kinshasa Cultural Center, after which two more priests of the Exarchate in the DRC were given antimins and liturgical vessels.

At the end of the visit, with the assistance and participation of the Russian Ambassador to the Congo, S.A. Sentebov, a meeting was held between the Chairman of the Missionary Department of the Exarchate, Priest Georgy Maksimov, and the head of the Legal Service of the Exarchate, S.A.Belyaev, with the Ambassador of the Congo to Russia, Dani Kalume Numbi, temporarily staying in Kinshasa. On the same day, representatives of the Exarchate met with the director of the Cultural Center in Kinshasa, Louis Onema.

The meetings were held in a constructive dialogue, possible areas of cooperation for the near future were outlined.