Gain Deep Insight on Delta Same Day Flight Change
Take a Look on Delta Same Day Flight Change Policy
Same Day flight change policy of Delta Airlines means someone is changing a flight within 24 hours of the scheduled departure of the flight if a person is flying in the USA, Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands of the USA.
There are some tickets which are not eligible for the same day flight change. These tickets are Basic Economy ticket and the tickets for international travel and the most important thing is all same-day ticket changes are completely dependent upon availability.
There are two options for the Delta same-day change of ticket.
What is Same-day confirmed and Same-day standby
What is Delta Same-day Confirmed - In this case, a passenger will move to a new flight on a confirmed seat in its fare class with a fee of $75, it is complementary for the Diamond, Platinum and Gold Medallion members?
What is Delta Same-day standby - In this case, If a Same-Day confirmed option is not available to the passenger then the person will stand by for the next available flight. With a fee of $75 but the fees will only be charged if you are cleared for the available flight.
In the Same-day confirmed case, the flight has to be on a similar day as your scheduled departure of flight for which you can request in advance (24 hours in advance).
So, Delta same day change policy saves the time and money of the users of the airlines. For more information, you can establish a contact at Delta Airlines’ customer service to speak to the customer service representative to know more about the flight change policy of Delta airlines.