May 7, 2021

Who will benefit from a collagen face mask?

Time does not stand still and sooner or later each of us thinks about how to extend/preserve the youthfulness of our skin. Modern cosmetology offers a lot of effective options for home and professional use.

One of the options is a collagen mask. The first thing to start with is to explain what the miracle of collagen is?

Collagen is a substance that is found between the muscle fibers and the cells of the various organs of many living things. It is found in ligaments and tendons, as well as on the surface of skin cells and in the intercellular space. This substance consists of body and skin proteins.

Why does the skin need a collagen mask?

Around the 1930s, scientists discovered that collagen, or more specifically its synthesis in the body, is directly linked to the aging process. Insufficient collagen worsens the condition of hair and nails, the skin becomes dull, lacks elasticity and glow. Also lack of collagen leads to cellulite and wrinkles.

Today, collagen is being introduced into the body artificially. It is used to fill in the areas where wrinkles have formed, sometimes injected into the cheekbones or eyebrows to increase volume. But in order to maintain youthfulness of the skin is sufficient to use collagen-based creams, as well as regular use of collagen face masks.

How to understand when the skin needs collagen masks?

After the age of 30, collagen production decreases significantly. So it is advisable to start doing such masks at the age of 28-29, in order to prevent premature aging. The first and most precise sign of collagen deficiency is the appearance of expression lines in the area of the nasolabial folds and eye corners. If these wrinkles appear, it is necessary to immediately begin to support the skin with collagen from the outside.

What kinds of collagen masks are available and how to choose the right one?
There are several types of collagen masks and the way they are applied differs from this.

Powdered. They need to be prepared in a special way before application. You need to have time to do this. But in fact, they do not differ from tissue and jelly masks, only the consistency.
Tissue. The most popular collagen masks, as they are the easiest to use.
Jelly masks. New in cosmetology and you may never have heard of them before. They are sold ready to use.
In addition to collagen, such cosmetic masks include other components that improve the effect. Look for hyaluronic acid, oils, vitamins, acids, and extracts of medicinal plants. Such a mask not only regenerates the skin, but also moisturizes, soothes and brightens.

How to use collagen masks?

Such a mask can independently apply each of us, without resorting to the services of cosmetologists. First, clean your skin with a tampon and micellar water. Then wash your face and rub your skin with a tonic.

For the best effect, the collagen mask is best applied after a shallow peel. A peeling procedure before applying the mask will double its effectiveness several times. It will also be useful to make a light, relaxing massage with gentle movements (without stretching the skin).

If everything is clear with the tissue mask - you just need to open it up and apply it to your face - then with the powder mask it is more complicated. The instructions prescribed in what proportion it is mixed with a special serum, which is usually included.

The jelly mask is also sold ready to use. It should be applied to the face in a thick layer. And keep it for the time as indicated in the instructions.

As for the time of application, you should clearly follow the instructions. Often the effect of the cosmetic lasts from 15 to 35 minutes. It is recommended to spend this time in a relaxed state with pleasant music and eyes closed. You should make such a mask once or twice a week.

Independently prepare a collagen mask at home, we still do not recommend it. Today the market has a huge number of products that are much more effective than home-made and the result of which is manifested faster. Editor's Choice

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