How To Install Cydia On Odyssey Jailbreak
Just as promised, the Electra Team’s latest Odyssey jailbreak for iOS 13.0-13.5 enables users to install Saurik’s tried and true Cydia package manager with the default jailbreak’s Sileo package manager.
However, some people want the Sileo experience over Cydia. But the fact remains that so many remain loyal to the package manager they are familiar with. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll be displaying you how to install Cydia on your Odysseyra1n or Odyssey device.
Odyssey jailbreak comes to its default package manager with Sileo. However, it received many updates that make it quite faster than earlier models. The jailbreak also enables one to easily download Cydia if they prefer it over Sileo. What makes Odyssey special is that it is written fully in Swift which enables it to offer a quicker and better user experience than Checkra1n or Unc0ver.