November 5, 2019

Amazon Trends

For Amazon merchants, selling in different countries around the world, the most important thing is to know what customers are searching for and how those searches can vary in different regions. This knowledge allows to adapt the listing for each individual country.

We reviewed three of Amazon’s marketplaces — the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada.


The top-ranking searches in August is the term Wireless Earbuds (over 10 million searches). It is the first accessory outstripped iPhone Case, which dominates the US’ top searches.

Other popular accessories that customers searched for: Wireless Chargers , Cordless Mouses, Bluetooth Speakers.

Please remember to look for synonyms! Many people use Wireless, Bluetooth, and Cordless interchangeably when looking for similar products.

All of this things indicates that shoppers are looking for convenience in products and that they’re on-the-go. Shoppers don’t want cords impeding their movements.

The Essentials

Americans use as hypermarkets to buy things for their homes. The popularity of such requests is 8 million! Products like Hand Soap, Toothbrushes,  and Baby Wipes are topping the charts which make us wonder whether customers are using Amazon’s Subscribe & Save program to have these items delivered on a regular basis.

In August, before back-to-school, the most popular goods were: Lunch boxes, Pencil pouches and Colored pencils.


Unlike the United States, where customers cuts there wires, the United Kingdom is searching for theirs more than ever. The highest-ranking cable, USB C,  had over 5 million searches in the month of August.

British users are also looking to connect their devices with searches like HDMI cable,  lightning cable, and micro USB. For example, Extension lead had over 3 million searches!


Growing trends everywhere indicate more shoppers use Amazon as a product search engine. Similar to how they use Google, shoppers are including modifiers and general phrases in their searches rather than a naming a concrete product.

This is especially actual in the UK market, where customers consistently search for a type of gift. Shoppers search with the help of phrases like Birthday gift for toddlers or Birthday gift for 60-year-olds.


Of course hockey the national sport of Canada, but it’s basketball that’s ruling over Amazon searches. The Toronto Raptors recently won the NBA Championship and this win caused searches to skyrocket for Raptors and basketball-related gear on

Popular searches for team merchandise included top-of-the-funnel searches like Toronto Raptors, but they also got more specific with Raptors jerseys, Raptors hats and Raptors shirts.

Pay attention to events in different countries. Reacting to these changes can allow you to capitalize on a trends.


Baby wipes is a popular search term across most marketplaces, “baby” itself ranked within the top ten keywords for Amazon’s Canadian marketplace. Other high-ranking searches include Baby monitor, Baby gate, Diaper bag and Car seat.

Remember that synonyms and complementary terms are crucial for expanding your reach. It can help you to surpass the competition.

In conclusion

By understanding these overarching trends, you’re better equipped to meet the needs of your customers. You’re also ahead of the game when it comes to developing or sourcing new products. Shopper searches can help identify signs of a shift in the marketplace, so you know when to move your inventory from a declining market to a thriving one or remove yourself from a market altogether. Make use of the Amazon search bar, find Amazon keyword data, recognize shopper trends as their happening. Use different Amazon tools and services to discover opportunities. Optimize your marketing and of course don’t forget to use the Amazying platform to resolve your financial matter and grow your business.