March 13, 2020

Amazon Product Photography Hacks

Doubtlessly, high-quality images of the products play a crucial role in marchans’ listings.It is true that we purchase with our eyes and if customers like it, they get it. This decision-making process depends on if the product is visually appealing.And of course appearance of goods should be your top priority.The main idea of the products’ pictures is to grab buyer’s attention. If you want converting shoppers into customers your listings should invoke only affirmative emotions. High-quality photos can speak a lot about your brand on Amazon. Sellers spend hours to take multiple shots of the product in different angles just to get that ideal shot. And that’s not over yet. Then merchants should spend hours in choosing and editing the best photos.

So, how to save merchants’ time? How to streamline all this product photography process?

Yes, if you think that it’s not your cup of tea you can hire a photography service or a company to get the job done perfectly for you. But for sellers who prefer do this task by themselves, there are a few important tips to remember in order to achieve attractive and professional product photography.

1. Write a content plan

Yes, it will be easy if you sells just one product on Amazon. But it will take some time, if you have a whole catalog of items.Start with branding. Imagine how your product pictures should look like  and how they can relate with your online presence.It can be logo, settings, or color schemes.No photo should appear as if it belongs to some other online-shop.

2. White background

Do you know why the all eCommerce websites have their items displayed on a white background? 

There are three reasons:

  • It minimizes customers’ unwanted distractions
  • It makes this product the center of customer attraction
  • It also helps colorful products pop up.

If you want to eliminate the shadows, and cancels the sharp angles that might leave a picture look a little harsh, you can use a photography shooting tent. Some products look the best in natural environment, others might not.
It would be better to experiment what is the effective option, if you are unsure what variant can drive in more sales.

3. Right lightning 

If you like to take a selfie, you should know that the right light can change everything. This also applies to products. The right lighting setup can transform even the most boring look of a product into its best form. And it also helps in converting sales.The most of products look better when take a photo in a natural light preferably use a soft setting that is distributed evenly across the product. But this may not be an options always. With the help of special umbrellas, reflectors or DIY light box you may use an artificial lighting.This is to check what option gives better results.

4. High image resolution

Every photo must be high quality and should not be blurry. When customers click photos of your products they should see only incredible quality pictures, which are taken using a good camera with a high-resolution lens.

Your pictures should convey all details upon viewing. Remember that the lightning should neither be too dull nor too bright. High image resolution can help your customers with making a proper make buying decision.

5. Product size

The products’ size is something which every  seller must pay attention.And you shoul remember that it’s not a good idea to shot your product in a way that it looks too small or too big. A few important details might be missed out if a customer click the product in and its size appears very small. But if a customer click it in a way that the product’s size appears very big then a few of its features might be out of focus.

These problems can affect your ratings as well. It is important to remember the Amazon image aspect ratio guidelines before planning to shoot.

6. Different angles

It’s better if you have a few photos of your product than just one or two. Customers have no idea what your product looks like. It is vital to give them an ample of pictures shot in different angles. This so-called main image always displays the product’s front view. And of course it is not a good idea to show a back view of your product. The other photos must cover the product’s every possible side to help a buyer understand how the product will actually be when they receive it.

7. A steady surface or a tripod

You should eliminate the chances of camera shakes. Using a quality tripod or perhaps, anything that has a steady surface – it could be even a box or a book for that matter.
With the help of this simple rule your product will look crisp and sharp, just the way you want it to be.

8. Avoid placing additional items with the product

Photographing additional items along with the main product might confuse the shopper and might cause disappointments when they don’t get those accessories they had seen while purchasing.
And it is important to show your real product without any extra details.

9. Do Not Put Immodest Content

As far as Amazon’s reputation is considered, it is one of the best when compared to other platforms. It paves the way of selling to different customers across the globe. Hence, the sensibilities of every buyer should be considered prior uploading any product image.

It is important to focus on your product rather than the mannequins or models while shooting, especially intimate apparels. Also, uploading indecent images isn’t allowed. It will only cause rejections from Amazon.