June 30, 2023

2 - Discourses on Tantra Volume Two

Publisher's Note (2)

Out of the tremendous number of darshans, or discourses, which Ánandamúrtijii gave on a great range of subjects during thirty-seven years as preceptor of Ananda Marga, a great many have been carefully preserved in published form and/or on tape. We have drawn on this wealth for the present collection by first assembling all the discourses or sections thereof which related to the topic of Tantra; and by then electing to include all but those few discourses (all related to this part, on The Nature and Practice of Tantra) which were found to contain only topics already covered in other discourses. Though the subject matter may be virtually the same, each discourse will be found to have its own special appeal, and we recommend these discourses to readers, though regrettably they could not be included here:

“Pashvácára, Viirácára, and Divyácára” in Notes on Spiritual Philosophy. “Theory and Practice” in A Few Problems Solved 6. “Ágama and Nigama” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 2. “The Requirements for Sádhaná” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 3. “The Minimum Qualifications for a Sádhaka” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 4. “Pashupati, Viireshvara, and Mahádeva” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 5. “Where Is Váráńasii?” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 7. “Shiva’s Seven Secrets” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 12. “Seven Secrets” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 14. “Veda Tathá Tantra” [“Veda and Tantra”] in Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 13. “Some Important Questions and Answers” (some of the Q & A on pashvácára, viirácára, and divyácára) in Notes on Spiritual Philosophy. “Aghora” in Varńa Vicitrá [Various Uses of Letters] 2. “Ágama” in Varńa Vicitrá 2. “Ekendriya – 1” (a part covers the etymology of tantra) in Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell 6. “The Speciality of the Fifth Fundamental Principle of Prout” (a part relates to Bhaeravii cakra) in A Few Problems Solved 9.

Within each of the four parts of Discourses on Tantra, the articles are in chronological order.

To assist researchers, it is our policy to indicate here – in addition to the original language of each speech, the date and place, by whom it was translated, and where, if other than in this book, it was originally published – whether or not a tape of the speech is in existence. At the time of this printing, however, not all the cataloguing of tapes has been finished. Further information as to tapes will be given in future printings.

In the cases of some of the discourses published here, no written record was found of the language in which the discourse was given; but if the language could be clearly inferred from the location and other circumstances of the discourse, we have cited that language.

In all cases where a tape was in existence for a discourse given in English, we have re-edited the published discourse with reference to that tape. The retranslations (from the original Bengali) of “The Intuitional Science of Tantra” and “Prapatti, Vipratti, and Aprapatti” were also carried out with reference to the tapes.

Wherever it is noted below that there was more than one existing translation of the same discourse, all the existing translations have been consulted in preparing the discourse for this edition. All retranslations (“retr.”) that were done took all possible material from existing translations.

The abbreviation “DMC” sometimes appears at the end of a discourse. Dharma Mahácakra was a special spiritual gathering addressed by the preceptor, or guru. The abbreviation “RU” at the end of a discourse indicates that the discourse constituted a Presidential speech to Renaissance Universal.

Footnotes by the editors have all been signed “–Eds.” Unsigned footnotes are those of the author.

Square brackets [ ] in the text are used to indicate translations by the editors or other editorial insertions. Round brackets ( ) indicate a word or words originally given by the author.

The important early discourse “Tantra and Its Effect on Society” was given in Hindi, and translated soon thereafter into the English version that appears in this book. That original Hindi can no longer be found. Because the author used English terms infrequently in the early years, translators often rendered Sanskrit terms into English in a way that was at variance with the author’s preferences as they later came to be known. With this discourse, it was therefore found necessary to provide the preferred renderings, indicating the changes in square brackets.

The author used a certain shorthand for explaining the etymologies of words. Under this system, a minus sign (–) follows a prefix, and a plus sign (+) precedes a suffix. Thus ava – tr + ghaiṋ = avatára can be read, “the root tr prefixed by ava and suffixed by ghaiṋ becomes avatára.”

It was frequently the author’s practice, in the case of discourses given in a language other than Bengali, to personally review the Bengali translation and to make revisions and additions. Wherever this appeared to have been done, the editors have taken the Bengali version as the basis for the English translation.

The cover of the book shows the Bhuvaneshvarii Yantra. The upright and inverted triangles are an ancient Tantric design, also to be found in the Ananda Marga pratiika. (The yantra and the pratiika should not, however, be confused. For an example of the Ananda Marga pratiika, please see the title page.)

Part 4. The Nature and Practice of Tantra

“Sádhaná”. Discourse in Hindi. First Bengali publication as “Sádhaná” in Subháśita Saḿgraha 7, 1979. First English publication in Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell 8, 1988, tr. from the Bengali by ÁVA and Ác. Vishvarúpánanda Avt. Retr. from the Bengali by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“Tantra and Its Effect on Society”. Discourse in Hindi. First published in English in Our Universe, Nos. 7-10, July, Aug. and Sept.-Oct., 1960. English re-editing by ÁAA.

“Tantra and Sádhaná”. Discourse in Hindi. Published in Hindi as “Tantra aor Sádhaná” in Ánanda Dúta Year 4 No. 2, April 1960. First English publication in Cosmic Society, Vol. 2, No. 2, Ánanda Púrńimá 1965, or in Jágrti (translator not known). Later English publication in Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell 9, 1988, tr. by ÁVA and Ácárya Vishvarúpánanda Avadhúta. First published in Bengali in Subháśita Saḿgraha 8, 1980. Re-translated from the Bengali and Hindi by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“Tantra and Supernatural Power”. Discourse in Hindi. Originally published in Hindi as “Tantra aor Alaokika Shakti” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 25. Tr. from the original Hindi by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“The Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii”. Discourses in Hindi. First English publication as “Hara-Párvatii Saḿváda” in Bodhi Kalpa: Parts 2 and 3 in Jan.-Mar. 1968, Parts 1 and 4 in April-June 1968. (A different translation of a portion of Part 1 was published earlier, as “Concept of Music, Dance in Tantric Cult”, in Cosmic Society, Vol. 3 No. 10, October 1967.) Second English publication as “The Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii – 1”, “– 2”, “– 3”, and “– 4” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 23, 1994, English re-editing by ÁAA.

“Overcoming Máyá”. Discourse in Hindi. Originally published in English as part of “Máyá” in Notes on Spiritual Philosophy. English re-editing by ÁAA.

“Kauṋkálamálinii Samádhi”. Discourse in Hindi. Originally published in English as part of “Kauṋkálamálinii Samádhi” in Notes on Spiritual Philosophy. English re-editing by ÁAA.

“When Does He Appear?”. Discourse in Hindi. Originally published in English in Notes on Spiritual Philosophy. English re-editing by ÁAA.

“From Animality to Divinity”. Discourse in English and Hindi. Tape. Originally published in English in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 2, 1979. Reprinted in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 1, 1986. Re-edited.

“Pratyáhára Yoga and Paramágati”. Originally published in English in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 2, 1979.

“The Tantric Definition of Yoga”. Discourse in English. Originally published in English in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 3, 1981.

“The Seven Secrets of Success”. Discourse in English. Originally published in English in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 3, 1981.

“Ghosts and Evil Spirits”. Discourse in English. Originally published in English in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 3, 1981.

“Tantra is Sádhaná, Sádhaná is Tantra”. Discourse in Bengali. Tape. Originally published in Bengali as “Tantrai Sádhaná, Sádhaná-i Tantra” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 4, 1980. First English publication in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 4, 1986, tr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and Vidyádhara Brc. Retr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“The Intuitional Science of Tantra”. Discourse in Bengali. Tape. Originally published in Bengali as “Tantre Brahma Vijiṋána” in Subháśita Saḿgraha 11 (i.e., Series II, Part 1), 1980. First English publication as “The Science of Intuition in Tantra” in Prajiṋá Bháratii, tr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and Avtk. Ánanda Mitrá Ác. Re-tr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“The Fundamental Difference Between Veda and Tantra”. Discourse in Bengali. Originally published in Bengali as “Veda o Tantrer Maolik Párthakya” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 4, 1980. First English publication as “Tantra” in a magazine (translator not known). Second English publication in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 5, 1987, tr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and Ác. Vishvarúpánanda Avt. Retr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“A Few of Tantra’s Special Characteristics”. Discourse in Bengali. Originally published in Bengali as “Tantrer Kayekti Visheśa Vaeshiśt́ya” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 4, 1980. First English publication in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 5, 1987, tr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and Ác. Vishvarúpánanda Avt. English re-editing by ÁAA.

“The Importance of Diikśá”. Discourse in Hindi. Originally published in Hindi as “Diikśá ká Mahatva” in Shaḿkhanád. Tr. from the original Hindi by ÁVA, Ác. Keshavánanda Avt., and ÁAA.

“Diikśá and Initiation”. Discourse in English. Tape. Originally published in English as “The True Meaning of Diikśá” in Supreme Guide, Vol. 2, No. 11-12, June-July 1981. Re-edited.

“The Cosmic Father Has a Special Responsibility”. Discourse in English. Tape. Originally published in English in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 5, 1982. Re-edited.

“An Equal Birthright”. Discourse in English. Tape. Originally published in English in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 5, 1982. Re-edited.

“The Phat́ Mantra”. Discourse in Bengali. Originally published in Bengali as part of “Jáná ebaḿ Ná Jáná” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 6, 1980. First English publication as part of “Knowing and Not Knowing” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 6, 1987, tr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and Ác. Vishvarúpánanda Avt. Retr. by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“Bhaerava and Bhaeravii”. Discourse in Bengali. Tape. Originally published in Bengali as “Bhaerava o Bhaeravii” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 7, 1980. First English publication in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 7, 1987, tr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and Ác. Vishvarúpánanda Avt. Retr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“Dance, Mudrá, and Tantra”. Discourse in English. Originally published in English in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 12, 1980.

“What Are You?”. Discourse in English. Originally published in English in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 12, 1980.

“The Three Species of Human Being”. Discourse in English. Originally published in English as “The Three Species of Man” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 14, 1981.

“The Real Culprit”. Discourse in Bengali. Originally published in Bengali as part of “Kurvanneveha Karmmáńi” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 15, 1980. First English publication as part of “The Purpose of Coming in This World” in Prajiṋá Bháratii. Retr. by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“Táńd́ava, Shástra, and the Teachings of Shiva”. Discourse in Hindi. Originally published in Hindi as “Sadáshiva – Tantra ko Pratham Pravartak” in Shaḿkhanád. First published in Bengali as “Tantra Ágágoŕái Vástavavádii” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 15, 1980. Tr. from the original Hindi and from the Bengali by ÁVA, Ác. Keshavánanda Avt., and ÁAA.

“Yoga and Tantra”. Discourse in Hindi. Originally published in Hindi as “Yoga aor Tantra” in a magazine. Tr. from the original Hindi by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“Yoga, Tantra, and Kevalá Bhakti”. Discourse in Hindi. Originally published in Hindi as “Yoga, Tantra aor Kevalá Bhakti” in a magazine. Tr. from the original Hindi by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“Keeping Good Company”. Discourse in Bengali. Originally published in Bengali as part of “Kuru Puńyam Ahorátram” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 19, 1981. First English publication as part of “Do Virtuous Deeds Day and Night” in Ananda Marga Karma Yoga in a Nutshell, 1988, tr. by ÁVA. Retr. by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“Prapatti, Viprapatti, and Aprapatti”. Discourse in Bengali. Tape. Originally published in Bengali as “Párthasárathi Krśńer Jiṋánanushiilana” in Namámi Krśńa Sundaram, 1981. First English publication in Namámi Krśńa Sundaram, 1981, tr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA. Retr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“The Criteria of a Guru”. Discourse in Bengali. Originally published in English in Supreme Guide, Vol. 2, March 1981. First Bengali publication as “Prakrta Guru Ke?” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 21, 1982. Retr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“Avidyá”. Discourses in Bengali. Originally published in Bengali as parts of “Ekendriya – 7”, “Ekendriya – 8”, and “Vashiikára – 2” in Mánas Sádhanár Staravinyás. First English publication as parts of “Ekendriya – 7”, “Ekendriya – 8”, and “Vashiikára – 2” in Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell 6, 1988, tr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and Ác. Vishvarúpánanda Avt. Retr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“Microvita and Spiritual Attainment”. Discourse in Bengali. Originally published in Bengali as sections on “Khamúrtti” and “Khamúrttimán” in Shabda Cayaniká 13, 1987. First English publication in Microvitum in a Nutshell, 1988, tr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA. Third English publication in Microvitum in a Nutshell 3rd ed., 1991, retr. by ÁVA and Jayanta Kumar. Retr. by ÁVA and ÁAA.

“Vidyá Tantra and Avidyá Tantra”. Discourse in Bengali. Originally published in Bengali as section on “Guhya” in Shabda Cayaniká 26, 1990. Tr. from the original Bengali by ÁVA and ÁAA.

The active help and cooperation of Ácárya Prańavátmakánanda Avadhúta and Avadhútiká Ánanda Rucirá Ácáryá deserves special mention. The former went to much trouble to collect Márga Guru’s discourses from old magazines and newspapers, and from the notebooks of different sádhakas. The latter did the major work on the cover text and on the index, and in addition worked tirelessly to set up the necessary software, and to advise on and assist in the layout of the book.

Key: ÁVA = Ác. Vijayánanda Avt. ÁAA = Ác. Acyutánanda Avt.

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