October 4, 2019
30 days without alcohol, what is it like?
This topic is relevant to about 80% of people, so I decided to perform this fun and useful experiment on myself. I will tell you a bit later about how I got to this point. But I will say from the get-go that I don’t plan on lecturing you about the dangers of alcohol, nor will I persuade you to get rid of your impressive bar collection or stop drinking nightcaps, but will simply tell you how I feel and what changes my body and my life went through.
Just the facts:
- The first few days it was harder for me to fall asleep than before. Fortunately, I was very tired and this did the job instead of a glass of wine, a bottle of beer or a shot
- Physical exercises helped to fatigue the body (running, gym, brisk walks)
- I drank a lot of water, about 3 liters a day (on purpose)
- I also indulged my sweet tooth
- After only a few days, the nagging thought to drink a nightcap before bed disappeared
- I noticed that it became easier to wake up in the morning. Waking up 2 hours earlier than usual wasn’t only easy, but natural
- Closer to 23:00, I felt a very heavy need to sleep (before I did not)
- I began having a good appetite in the morning
- For the first time in a few years, I saw that it was actually possible to wake up without a swollen face
- The skin on my face tightened up
- I was a designated driver at a friend's birthday party (the last time was a very long time ago)
- Getting ready to go out became a quicker process
- I realized that my day could be more productive
- I started having more free time for that could be used for self-development
- My morning mood really did become more positive
- I stopped being paranoid that if I suddenly got into a car accident, that yesterday’s nightcap would show up on the breath test
- My stomach began working differently, and I liked it
- In the end, I stopped endorsing alcohol companies
- In the evening I could do any important task. I didn’t have alcohol fumes on my breath and my brain was fully alert
- My self-esteem undoubtedly rose, and other psychological aspects followed suit
- My vitality and energy rose significantly, there was a desire to do a lot of things and I had the strength to do them
If you want me to continue the story, put a thumbs up 👍 on this post.
Best regards, Amigo
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